summer time dress

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Who knew dress shopping was so difficult. And exhausting. Once we were finally done Laurel dropped us off to the club. "Hey." It seemed like Jeremiah avoided my eyes. "Jere!" He looked up and his eyes widen.

"Shit." I furred my brows looking at my black flower dress. "NO, you look good. Really good.  Um, let me walk you over."

"Thanks, hold on. Belly." We waited for her to catch up with us.

"Hey, guys."

"Wow, you two look adorable. Come on." I looked at all the other girls as they looked at us.



"Where's your shirt." I laughed and looked at him.

"It's always a pleasure. This is Belly. I mean, uh, Isabel Coklin, the young woman my mom told you about, and this is Lyra River. My future wife." I shoved him lightly making him laugh.

"They're late."

"I'm so sorry."

"Have you met his mom? Big shopper... also picky." Jeremiah laughed again before nudging me.

"You're at table two."

"Are those little Brie and fig jam sandwiches with the prosciutto?"

"Don't you dare."


"Those are for the girls." I laughed as he walked around and quickly took one. "Jeremiah those are for the girls!"

"Just one... knock em dead." Belly nodded her head he looked over a me and kissed my cheek. "You got this." I swallowed the lump in my throat and followed Belly to the table. We all said hi and hellos, oh god this is gonna be a long day.

"Hey, is that from the other night?" I looked at Bellys cheek wincing.


"Here, let me fix it." She pulled out her purse taking out her makeup.

"I told my mom the only way I would do this is if I could bring my girlfriend, 'cause I thought it would be a deal killer, but the club has been surprisingly chill about the whole thing."

"I'm honestly shocked. Yeah."

"Literally, Dara, I was expecting a conversion camp to spring out of the bushes. No. Lesbians and debutantes are, like, a completely juxtaposing idea."


"Yeah, but Cousins likes to pretend to be woke."


"Trust me. My family deals with it constantly."

"The things we do for college applications. It's insane."

"Don't worry, Marisa. You'll get in everywhere."

"Wait. Where are you applying?"

"You know, the usual. Every Ivy minus Cornell."

"Mm-hmm. Ithaca is so bleak."

"I know. What about you?"

"Oh, Belly's only a sophomore. Right? I think that's what Conrad told me. Same with you right?"

"Yeah, W-we'll be a junior in the fall."

"So, is this your first summer here in Cousins?"

"No, I've been coming here for my entire life. "

"Most of mine, her family brings me every year with them."

"Yeah, they're, like, family friends with Conrad and Jeremiah."

right in front of you- Jeremiah FIsherWhere stories live. Discover now