Whispers of Evil

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*Part Seven*

   ???: Well, well, well who is this kind fellow here?

A strange radio voice had said behind Josh and Charlie and they both looked. It was this thin humanoid sinner he had ears of a deer and tiny antlers. Red eyes and clothes with a staff and microphone, with yellow sharp teeth that wore into a devilish, sadistic smile.

Charlie: Oh hey Alistor where have you been? "I've been attending to business dear so I was away for quite a while, but I'm wondering who this kind gentleman is

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Charlie: Oh hey Alistor where have you been? "I've been attending to business dear so I was away for quite a while, but I'm wondering who this kind gentleman is."
He said with a unsettling voice.

Charlie: This is Josh and he was kind enough to help me out after my cooking- well- sorta failed. She said with a awkward smile. Oh and He's a human, in hell... Strange right?

Alastor: Strange indeed my dear, but now what brings you to our Happy Hotel? Alistor said with a more sinister voice with his smile increasing greatly with his eyes becoming that of a predator. Josh hadn't answered for Josh had a cold, guarded look that looked like if he had lost focus for even a second he would die. For Josh sensed and seen something, Alistor's aura. Josh from a young age believed he was blessed with this ability to see and feel people's feelings. BUT THIS WAS DIFFERENT. For Josh had never Felt so much malice and desire from someone that it left him in a instinctual frenzied focus.




Alastor: Your heart beats and your body tenses up. It seems you already know what is happening. *He sniffs the direction of Josh* You know it's been decades since I last seen one of your kind. So much so when I first seen you I could not believe my eyes and ears.  But oh this smell. This intoxicating smell belongs to nothing more than a HUMANNN!


As he stands there he watches as Alastor warps through the window almost like a shadow. "Ah so your a fighter. Good I'll get to watch as you struggle for your life so much more interesting than a quick meal.

*In Josh's mind*

Shit he's too fast for me to react maybe I should try to run. In that thought Josh turned and ran but Alistor seemingly teleported in front of him.

"Now now I can't have my meal run. After all opportunities like this don't come to often and I do have a unique palate after all. Josh in response throws two jabs and a cross but Alastor slips them and hits him in the stomach barely missing his solar plexus and tries to slice his throat but Josh blocks it resulting in his arm being sliced with Josh jumping back to safety holding his stomach. " He hits hard but not as fast as I took him for but he's still quick, and I can't run away so I have no choice but to fight him. He doesn't seem to be the durable type so if I can land one might be able to knock him out.

Alastor: Ah that sweet savory smell of human blood, but I sense something about you that peeks my interest so I'll have to savor you. Now then let's wrap this up shall we? *He snaps his fingers* A portal just in front of Josh opens and this tentacle wraps around his leg and slams him back and forth with Josh blocking and protecting himself as much as he can in the direction before throwing him once more with him rolling and coughing out blood. "A few broken bones should tenderize the flesh and make it more tangy hahaha. He laughed maniacally.

Josh got up slowly wheezing with his right arm hanging at his side and he quickly inspected himself. "My right arm is dislocated, I think he broke five of my ribs two on the left and three on the right. My left leg might be fractured but I can still stand." He thought as he relocated his arm grunting in pain.

Alastor:  Well well are quite durable, fascinating you are the first to last this long against me despite being a human. He said walking towards Josh as Charlie rushed out of the door.

Charlie: Alastor stop your going to kill him.
"Now now dear it will all be over pretty soon I'm just playing with my food." Alistor said with a crooked smile looking towards Josh.

"I'll have to take all the damage and seem weak in front of him so he'll try to kill me." Josh thought. As he slowly walked forward.

Alastor: Oh what's this? My prey comes forward instead of running away, not struggling anymore I presume?

Josh: You talk to much. *Wheezing* "Let's finish then shall we?" Alastor said before in a barrage of attacks beating and slicing him with Josh barely being able to block most of them. "Stop Alistor!" Charlie yelled but it was completely ignored by his blood lust. "Goodbye prey you will truly be piquant!" Alastor said before pulling his arm back and thrusting it forward intending to pierce Josh through the stomach. Josh was waiting for this move so he dodged to the left stepping on his leg and hearing a crunch he yelled out in pain before delivering a left hook as hard as possible to Alastor's jaw before following it up with a right hook and a uppercut before finishing off with a throat punch. Alistor fell back unto the ground and like a shadow seemingly sunk into the ground which confused Josh barely hanging onto consciousness bleeding everywhere and putting all his body weight on his right leg.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Surprised Josh looked over to see Alastor standing there clapping. " I thought my shadow would have been enough... But I was wrong, well I had my fun.   "When did you?"
"When I made the shadow of me? When I had thrown you threw the window quite simple really. Oh and that counter with the throat punch was quite nishe for the moment. Welp I do suppose it's been longer than I would have liked, but I did have fun Josh." Then Alastor made strange hand movements with portals opening up and black tentacles grabbed Josh holding him still and choking him slowly to death. "ALASTOR I DEMAND YOU TO STOP AS PRINCESS OF HELL!" Charlie yelled with Alastor focused on watching the life drain from Josh's eyes.

*In Josh's mind*

Everything is getting darker. I'm starting to lose my strength. So this is how I die getting choked to death by a cannibal. Huh I'm not sure if I'll go to heaven or hell but I hope I'll get to see them again. With this last thought he closed his eyes hearing Charlie yell at Alistor for him to stop with the sounds of her yelling fading away sounding as if it was getting farther and farther until he couldn't hear anything else. "I'm sorry guys I guess I couldn't live up to my promise. I'm sorry Samuel..."


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