Lost in Sinners

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*Part five*

As Josh lays on the roof of the train sight seeing everything in hell, looking at the sheer size of Pentagram City he feels the train slowly come to a stop. As stands up getting ready to hop off he realizes he has no idea where Hazbin Hotel so he goes back down to the imp that had seen him. He jumps down startling even more than before.

Hey umm, sorry to scare you again but do you know where Hazbin Hotel is?
The imp slowly shakes his head. "Could you at least look it up and point me in the direction?" The imp nods to this and nervously looks it up on his phone before showing Josh. "Ah, okay thanks take care now." Josh then Jumps over the railing.

*Mean while back at Imp City"

*Sniff* sniff *sniff*

WHERE THE FUCK IS HE? Loona says while tracking his scent. One minute he's going to the bathroom the next he's disappeared!

*Sniff* Sniff *Sniff*

She then stops at the train tracks noticing that his sent ends there. Did he? No he couldn't have gone to Pentagram City if he did he's gonna die.

*Back to Josh*

The directions said I would get there in five minutes of walking but that's gonna seem impossible with people getting stabbed, shot, ran over left and right. And this sadist and satanic shit i fucking hate looking at it. I just- I just don't understand why wouldn't people try to become redeemed and go to heaven, and still have faith in the Lord. Or at the very least try to make hell a better place than it is. Josh frustratingly thought. As he walked with his hood up keeping his head low trying not to draw attention. Although that did quite the opposite a couple of imps noticed him walking so they start to trail him wishing to do bad.

As Josh walks he notices them tailing him so he pretends not to notice. As he turns the corner from them he books it and starts running as fast as he can going through alley ways to get them off his tail but runs into a dead end. As he turns he sees them turning the corner with grins on their faces. The one in front speaks first. "Well well looks like someones trapped." Josh stood there quietly. "We might let you live if you just give us everything you have. With a few other pleasures." He said as he stared at Josh's crotch licking his lips while swinging a chain. Josh said looking at them "I won't give you anything I have, but I don't wish to hurt you either." They stopped and looked at each other before laughing "AHAHA the fuck are you gonna do?" Josh stood there in silence when suddenly the Imp with the chain threw it forward Josh slips to the left grabbing the chain and jerking it towards him causing the imp to fall forward on his face. The other two move forward one tries to stab Josh in the gut. Josh responded by dodging to the side wrapping the chain around it's arm and slamming his head into the wall. The one that fell had gotten up and wrapped himself around Josh's leg keeping him from moving. Just then the third one jumped up seizing the moment strikes Josh across the head with a pipe. Although Josh rotated his head with the pipe to keep it from doing efficient damage but still cuts him, once this happens he lands on his leg putting all his weight on the leg the imp's wrapped around causing him to be crushed and letting go. By this time the third imp tries hitting him again but this time he ducks under it still on one knee pushes off of his other leg and jumps into the beating him till unconscious.

By this time Josh is getting up whilst breathing slightly heavily, he looks back to see if the imps that had fought him are still alive. He checked not out of pity, but out of regret. For Josh had not wished to harm them and he was saddened by what he had done, even though they were demons that seeked to harm him, he still felt sorry for what he done to them. Once he had seen that they were all alive just unconscious he was relieved and continued through the alleys trying to find a way out of the maze. As he walked he finally had found the way out, but not just that he had also found what he was looking for.

 As he walked he finally had found the way out, but not just that he had also found what he was looking for

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Woah. Josh said surprised by how big it actually is. As he walks down the road he notices the stillness of the area which slightly unsettled him. He opens the door not hearing or seeing anybody. Hello? He calls out with no response. He rings the bell with yet no response again. Suddenly BOOM! A explosion from the other room goes off startling Josh before a woman with Blonde hair and a suit walks out coughing.

A New Hope in Hell: Helluva Boss, Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now