oh hey

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oh hey

it's me, teddy. from the fuuuuuuture. I just wanted to pop in here and give a bit of a disclaimer about Count the Stars.

I wrote this from ages 13-15 while (obviously, as you'll read) in a very fragile mental state. I was in the closet and had some severe mental illnesses that had gone untreated for a very long time. I still think this story is a solid portrayal of a very confusing time in a kids life and I know it's helped validate a lot of people's experiences on here, which is so so fucking cool and why I haven't taken it down.

that being said, it's also a definite sign of the times. there's some more problematic aspects to parts of Eli's story, a lot of shitty writing, and some stuff I definitely got wrong. please keep this in mind and cut Kid Teddy some slack. I'm keeping this up not because I think it's spectacular in any way, but because people care about it, and I care about it, and I don't wanna take that away from anyone just because I made some mistakes.

point is, don't take this story or everything in it too seriously. I know that as a now 20 year old armed with a fuck ton of zoloft and an AuDHD diagnosis, I definitely don't. but that's okay. we all grow and we all learn.

thank you so much for reading and supporting this story, even if it is kind of shitty. one day I wanna go back and rewrite it, but who knows what's in store for Future Teddy.

have a good read <3

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