"Lux, come on!" Hailey pops her head in the door. Lux shakes off her emotions and steps out the door. Rich is smiling softly at Demi as she talks and Lux can see his eyes are slightly watery. "You look beautiful, Demi," he says softly.

"You think so?"

"I do. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen...besides my Jodie of course," Rich says. All the bridesmaids, including Lux's mother and grandmother melt. Disgusting. He is as charming as his son. "You all look beautiful," Rich says scanning the wedding party, his eyes settling on Lux and winking at her. "Come on," he says turning back to Demi. "We don't want to keep that boy waiting any longer, he is going a little crazy," Rich says offering his elbow to Demi who takes it and walks down the patio steps carefully while Rich helps her. Lux's grandmother and mother rush off ahead of them while the three bridesmaids follow Rich and Demi in a cloud of giggles. Lux trails behind them - no giggles in her black cloud.

They walk down towards the beach and through a little forest, stopping by a clearing and when Lux peeps through the trees she can see the family sitting on a long jetty with a walkway between them. Shawn stands at the very end with Austin, Harry, Dre and Pete lined up next to him under a little covering with a priest. Austin, along with all the boys, is in a very well-fitted grey suit. He looks phenomenal and she hates him for it. His tie matches her dress and she hates that too.

"Ok, bridesmaids first. When you hear the music you three will walk out, over the sand, and then down the jetty. Maid of Honor, when the bridesmaids get to the first row of people then you walk out - then the bride," a lady with an earpiece and clipboard says. "Can...can I have a moment with my sister first?" Lux hears Demi's voice behind her. Lux turns and sees Demi trying to sniff back her tears. Rich nods at Demi and steps aside, leaving the two sisters alone.

"What's up, Demi?"

"I'm just...I am just so happy you are here."

"I hate all this mushy shit...but it's you...I will do anything for you."

"I know and I have something for you," Demi says taking Lux's bouquet and then passing both their bouquets to Rich. She faces Lux again and holds out a little box.

"For me?"

"Yes. Open it."

Lux opens the box and pulls out a pair of earplugs, holding them up, she frowns at Demi. "There will be mushy speeches and sweet love affirmations said all afternoon. The type of words that bring tears...even a few group hugs. Those are noise-canceling earplugs. You won't hear a fucking thing," Demi says with a grin. Lux wraps her arms around Demi carefully and hugs her tight. "I fucking love you," she whispers. "I fucking love you too. Now, get away so I can marry the love of-" Demi starts but Lux steps back and cuts her off by holding up one finger. She jams the earplugs in and then looks at Demi. "Ok proceed," Lux says. Demi starts talking, Lux knows she is saying some romantic bullshit but she can't hear a fucking thing.

"You ready?" Lux asks when Demi's mouth stops moving. Demi nods. Lux turns to take her bouquet back from Rich, he smiles at her then turns his attention to Demi. Lux faces forward and sees the three bridesmaids walking forward. She waits for them to reach the first row of people then steps out of the forest and onto the sand. It's a bitch to walk on in the dress so she has to concentrate - falling now would not be a good look. When she finally gets to the jetty she looks up, her stomach doing a flip-flop when her eyes connect with Austin's. He smiles at her, his eyes wide and dancing, giving her a discreet thumbs up. She bites her lip and then steps forward gingerly. She tries to look away, really she does, but it feels like her eyes are glued to Austin's whose smile has grown soft as he swallows thickly. She would have married him if he had asked, she would have married him the night they met.

Austin watches her all the way down the aisle and then keeps his eyes on her as she goes to stand next to Hailey. She feels lost in his stare. Hailey taps her lightly on the shoulder and so she breaks her stare on Austin and looks down the aisle as Demi and Rich start walking down. Demi looks so beautiful and Lux feels her chest tighten slightly when her emotions get the better of her.

The wedding is great. The earplugs are the shit. She hears nothing, but a lot of people are crying and hugging. Shawn also dips Demi and shoves his tongue down her throat so Lux knows no one got cold feet. Louis shot himself in the head with finger guns three times so Lux knows they laced every word in syrupy sweet love. It's great, but also bad because now she is alone with her own thoughts - that's never a good thing. She nearly jumps out of her skin when Austin's hand suddenly curls around hers. He grins and rolls his eyes then points down the aisle where the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen are walking down, hand in hand, behind Dem and Shawn.

"You don't have to hold my hand if you don't want to," she says - why? Fuck knows. Her walls are going up slowly.  Austin says something to her but he looks annoyed so she keeps her earplugs in - they are the shit. She is having a great time. Austin frowns at her and she shrugs. "Ask me if I have earplugs in," she suggests. Austin pulls a face but she can see his mouth move. "Do you have earplugs in," it looks like he asks. "I can't hear you, I have earplugs in," she says. Austin rolls his eyes, letting go of her hand and plucking the earplugs from her ears. "The soppy wedding shit is over. No more romantic bullshit will be said until the reception and what do you mean I don't have to hold your hand?"

"Weddings always make me horney," Chance says as he walks past with Kaydance. Lux points at them and raises her brows as she gives Austin a pointed look.

"That's hardly romantic, Lux."

"I disagree, that's the most romantic shit Chance has ever said."

"I will give them back to you when the speeches start," Austin says putting them into his pocket and taking her hand aggressively - Lux would be offended but dominant annoyed Austin is sexy and he is in a suit, so...

He tugs her down the aisle then Lux can't tell you how elated she is when Demi ushers the wedding party down to the beach for photos. She has to do shit like look at Demi's ring or jump off a rock, which is not easy as a cupcake. She also has to smile and there are photos where she has to let Austin pick her up. She does it for Demi but she is not happy. Austin also constantly runs his hand over her poofy dress and mumbles that she looks like a princess - the hungry look in his eyes makes her slightly nervous, but in a good way.

But she has also been in her own head too much today and she subconsciously runs hot and cold.
Austin picks up on her weird behavior and eventually keeps his distance. She would call him petty but she knows he is just trying to protect himself too. Protect himself from the headache she inflicted. Lux would ignore it and let it roll off her back, but it is Austin. He can make her feel like she is on top of the world when he gives her his attention - it's like warm sunlight. It's the same intensity when he shuts her out and so Lux feels frigid, a solitary figure on a lone island. It's a horrible depressing feeling. It makes her chest burn and her chin wobble slightly. She is feeling a little fucked up by the time they finish. But, she won't make a fuss - today is for Demi and Shawn.

"Ok, you guys can head over to the reception while Shawn and I continue to take photos," Demi says. Lux turns and walks up the beach. The three bridesmaids latch onto each other and giggle as they walk while the groomsmen have their little group as they walk and chat. Louis falls out of step with the groomsmen and into step with Lux. His loyalties lie with her. He says nothing, he does not need to - he already knows. He has her back even if it's just to remain silent by her side for now.

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