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Lux climbs on the bus and sits down next to Austin. He is looking out the window in a sulk and does not acknowledge her, his hand holding an ice pack on his balls. To be fair, she put a lot of effort into her leg swing.


"No thank you. Ignore me for the day please."

"I am sorry."

Austin freezes and then he turns his head slowly, looking at Lux with a mixture of disbelief and pure shock. He turns his phone on and hits a record button then holds it up to her mouth. "Could you repeat that?" he says. Lux huffs a laugh and rolls her eyes. She leans into the phone slightly.

"I am sorry, I apologize and I admit that I am a short-fused bitch...more?"

"No, that will do. Next, we will solve world hunger and bring an end to all the wars in the world," Austin says closing his phone and slipping it back into his pocket. "So you are planning on having beautiful babies one day then?" Lux asks settling into her chair as the bus starts and heads out of the resort. Austin screws his face up.

"Fuck no. I can think of nothing more painful than having a kid."

"But, you are so keen on being around for everything when it comes to your brother's kids..."

"Yes. But I also want to leave or pass them to someone when they have a fucking meltdown. I only want the nice parts - Shawn can have the shit parts."

"We will pump them full of sugar, get them hyped up, maybe plant some reckless ideas in their heads and then fuck off."

"See, now that sounds like the perfect family BBQ."

Lux laughs softly and shakes her head. She will follow Rich's advice today, but only because she wants to prove that Austin is the same selfish asshole he has always been. She has changed but that's only because she is a good person deep down - very deep down. Austin is not, and when he lets his guard down while she is nice and sweet to him - she will take full advantage of the situation and that boy from ten years will rear his nasty head. Then she can leave this wedding and go back to New York safe in her feelings that Austin will never change and she had been right in ending their relationship and is right now in giving him grief.

The bus pulls to the side of a busy street and then Demi and Shawn stand at the front of the bus. "Today you will share a moped with your partner, but you will be placed in small groups with other partners. You will have a guide who will take you around the city. There is so much to see so it will take up the whole day. Lunch is at a market and then after we will meet back at the bus and head back to the resort where we will have dinner and then...the night will come alive as we head out to a nightclub where we party till dawn!" Demi announces. The bus cheers and everyone starts standing.

"Hey man, you want to let my cousin up for air?" Austin asks as they walk past Chance and Austin's cousin who are down each other's throats. Austin's cousin flips him off as she continues to let Chance dirty her. "I hope your cousin is a good girl. My cousin is a sweet innocent boy," Lux says.

"Does she look like a good girl?"


"Chance is fucked, Kadance is a freak."

Not surprisingly the group Austin and Lux are placed in is made up of the bridesmaids and groomsmen along with Shawn and Demi. Austin and Lux are shown to a moped and handed small helmets. The moped is tiny and looks to be a thousand years old. Lux groans internally at the thought of having to be pressed up close to Austin for most of the day. "Who is driving?" Lux asks side eyeing Austin.

"I am. I have been in a car with you. You drive like you have nine lives and a death wish."

"I do have a death wish," Lux says putting her helmet on and doing the strap. She stops and then undoes the strap. Test number one - let's see how caring Austin is. At nineteen he would have gotten annoyed and helped her out of frustration only. "I can't get my strap done," she says then waits for him to sigh heavily and make her feel stupid. "Yeah, they can be a bit fiddly. I can help if you promise not to bite my fingers," he says chuckling, tickling under her chin as he makes sure her strap is secure. "I need help with mine too," Pete groans. Austin laughs at him but fixes his strap then pats him on his back. "All done big boy, ride free," he says then turns to their moped. He passed, but Lux is going to fail him because it was not what she was expecting.

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