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"What kyrie?" I asked still half sleep

"Can I borrow yo bus card real quick? I need to make a run somewhere"

"It's eight in the morning, where the hell you going this early?"

"I just gotta go grab something from somebody and I'm coming right back"

"What so important for you to grab that you had to wake me up before my alarm"

"I'll tell you later, can I just use yo bus card pleas"

"Be back before I have to go to work" I said grabbing my purse off my nightstand. I gave him the bus card and went right back to sleep.

I woke back up at twelve and got five missed calls from my manager

"Ian scheduled till two, why you calling me like I no call no showed"

"Listen lyriic, we're gone have to let you go" she said

"Damn, y'all gone fire me the week i before my rent due?"

"It's nothing personal lyriic, we letting Sean go too" she tried reasoning with me, I just hung up on her and threw my head back in defeat"

"What the fuck man"

I laid in bed for a few minutes before getting a knock on the door. I waited thinking Myra was gone get up and answer it but whoever it is started knocking even louder. Lo and behold it was Chris rude ass.

"Fuck took you so long"

"What you doing later on?" I asked him

"Shit, why?"

"You wanna take me to the plasma center"

"The fuck for?"


"Whatchu need plasma money for, don't you got work today?"

"Not nomo, they just called me and fired me. I need to cover my half of the rent" I explained to him

"Send me yo cashapp, I'll just pay for it " he said l sitting on my bed and leaning against the head board

"You for real?"

"I wouldn't have told you to send me to cashapp if I wasn't gone send you no money"

"I could kiss you right now"

"I wouldn't mind" he grinned at me before I grabbed his face and kissed him, literally a few seconds later we got another knock on the door. I tried to get up but he yanked me back down.


"But when it was me you had me out there waiting" he caught a attitude

"I'll be right back"

"That was quick" I opened the door for kyrie

"I told you I wasn't gone take long"

"What you up to anyways?"

"I uh had to go grab something from somebody"


"Put yo shoes on"

"Boy Ian even showered yet"

"I got a shower" he straight faced me

"Girl go so y'all can hunch on each other, you look like you need it" kyrie butted in making me grab a pillow off the couch and throw it at him

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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