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Lyriic • Ricky

I work morning shift at a 7-eleven downtown, I make 17.50 an hour to pretty much do nothing since business is usually slow during this time.

"Yeah myra?" I answered ha call

"Girl look at the live I just sent you, ths ho on Facebook trynna clown you" she said and hung up, I rolled my eyes as  went to the live and it was this hot pocket ass Ho named Quasia

"Y'all this Ho want my leftovers so bad it's sad" she fake laughed while rolling up a anorexic ass blunt, I typed "add me" in the chat

"Laughing my fuckin ass off, one of ha lil friends sent ha my live!" She laughed

"What she do? Kari Ghe somebody sent me Ashley story and it was a video that had ha and Chris all hugged up in the back, she knew that was my niggaaa" she tried sounding annoyed, I spammed ha to add me until she finally did

"Quasia don't nobody want yo moldy ass leftoversss, it's not my fault they wanna be all up in my microwave Ghe!"

"Lyriic  stop cappin foe, yo ass was trynna fuck with jawuan too!"

"Bitch you so slow, that was yo so called bestie on a fake page trynna be me" I laughed and sipped my slushie

"I got you so bothered that you going live at work? L o fucking L gheee"

"Ian never bothered by yo pussy ass, I'm just giving you the chance to say allat shit to my face cuz every other week you onnis blue ass app trynna sneak diss knowing mfs gone come back to me and tell me whatchu said, yo ass scary as fuck Quasia"

"I'm not arguin wit a Ho that gotta work a nine to five"

"I'm not arguing wit a Ho that sell ha pussy and still can't afford to pay ha rent, I'm not arguing wit a hoe that's out here sucking a mean dick in ha momma alley in exchange for a ninety nine cent burger from Burger King, and I'm most definitely not arguin wit a Ho that fucked ha cousin at the family reunion so check yo self before you come for me again cuz you know I'll air yo big goofy ass the fuck out!" I said and left the live so I could FaceTimed Chris


"Bitch getcho hoes straight before you talk to me and go see yo doctor before you try to fuck!" I yelled and hung up, these muhfuckas got me fucked up

"Can I get a pack of newports?" A old head asked me,  I took care of him and sat back on the stool I had sitting behind the counter

When I got off work I started walking towards the train station and Chris was parked right in front of the entrance, I walked straight pass him and he started blowing his horn at me to get my attention, I kept the fuck walking cuz ion know who the fuck he think he is

Bitch you ain't lil zay

When I got to my apartment building I saw him sitting outside, ion know how long he be waiting

"Ghe what type of shit is you on!" He sounded mad

"Like I said, get yo hoes straight before you try talking to me, I'm not wit allat drama shit nomo"

"Fuck is you talm bout?"

"You not finna fuck me and Quasia bop ass at the same time!"

"Ian fucked that bitch in months, She been blocked!"

"Then why the fuck she on Facebook gettin roudy wimme?"

"Hell if I know! I swear on err thing I love ion talk to ha"

"Well she ain't screaming My man my man for Nun I know that much"

I said unlocking my door, Jae was sitting on the couch playing the game

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