"Has something happened?"

"The Princess has given birth, Your Grace, another boy."

"What wondrous news," Camilla smiled before turning to face Eira. "I apologize but we shall have to cut this session short."

"Of course, Your Grace." The elderly woman's apprentice rushed to her side, helping the tailor to stand. "Congratulations on the new grandchild."

Camilla's smile became tense at Eira's words, before turning to her Ladies-in-Waiting, ignoring the old tailor and her apprentice. Without a word of instruction, the women moved to prepare their Queen.


Rhaenyra had kept the same rooms from her youth. Though her presence had seeped from that one chamber, claiming other nearby rooms until she had taken over an entire wing in Maegor's Holdfast.

Camilla usually avoided Rhaenyra's hall, not wanting to stumble upon her childhood companion. She already saw her enough as is, in the Small Council meetings they both attended. Both vying for Viserys' attention, wanting the King to side with them in whatever discussion.

Though if Camilla was to be honest the truth was that too many ghosts haunted the Princess's hall. Everywhere she looked, memories of happier times sprung forth in her mind, leaving the bitter taste of betrayal coating her tongue.

No guard stood watch outside the Princess's chambers as the King and Queen pushed open the doors. Violet eyes scanned the room before landing on a sweaty head of white hair. Rhaenyra sat reclined on a chair facing the door as if she had been expecting Camilla's arrival. The babe rested in his mother's embrace while his mother's husband stood behind them, staring sharply at Camilla.

"What happy news this morning!" Viserys' voice boomed within the room, his excitement palpable.

"Indeed, my love." Camilla agreed, patting her husband's arm.

"Where is he?" Viserys moved closer to his daughter. "Where is my grandson?"

Laenor lifted the babe from Rhaenyra's arms, placing him into Viserys's waiting arms. The King beamed down at the tiny child in his grasp, happiness radiating off of him. Camilla stepped closer to her husband, ignoring Rhaenyra's cautious gaze and peering into the blankets to see the babe's face.

"Such a handsome boy." Camilla commented

"A fine Prince." Viserys agreed. "Sturdy. You will make a fearsome knight."

Reaching over Camilla placed her finger in the babe's hand, the little boy closing his fist around her finger on instinct.

"He is already quite strong." Camilla announced, glancing towards Rhaenyra and Laenor, a knowing look clear on her face."Does he have a name yet?"

"We haven't spoken-" Rhaenyra started.

"Joffery." Laenor interrupted. "He'll be called Joffery."

"Such an unusual name for a Velaryon." Camilla replied.

"I do believe he has his father's nose." Viserys spoke, unknowingly adding to the tension and infuriating Camilla. The man wasn't clueless to the rumors about his daughter's extramarital affair, instead choosing to ignore them.

Camilla looked knowingly at Rhaenyra, who in an attempt to avoid the Queen's gaze looked up at her husband for help.

Getting the hint, Laenor cleared his throat. "If you don't mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest."

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