"You're wrong," Jackson argued.

"I'm not," he insisted, frustrated. "It's like he's trying to keep you away from me. We've barely spent any time together since you found me and it's 'cause you're always with him. Y-you're like...stuck to him like glue, just like you were to everyone who came before him."

Jackson scowled irritably. "All Damon's ever done is try to protect me—and he's done a pretty good job of that. He's not like those fuckboys I used to date; he's my mate, Wilson, and until you can accept that, I'm done with this conversion." He sped up and cut through the pack to join Damon again.

But he could feel his throat tightening. Why was Wilson being like this? Why couldn't he just accept the fact that he loved Damon? Why did he have to be so hostile and take whatever chance he could to try and start an argument? If he kept at it, Jackson feared that very soon, Damon wouldn't be able to hold back for his sake anymore. Jackson didn't want to see them fight, but he didn't know what to do.

He looked at Damon. "What's the plan? Sorry if you're trying to think one over right now, I just...I'm worried about this whole war thing."

"We're going to cross the river and find someplace to hide. A cave, another burrow, or something that keeps us out of sight. Once we find that, we'll all come together and suggest ideas, but the main goal is to take out Kane's wolves and continue our journey towards Greykin Valley. We can't sacrifice mission time, so we're going to have to do both things at once," the Alpha explained.

"Kill them as we go?" Remus asked.

Damon nodded.

"It's a good plan," Sebastien said from behind them.

"Agreed," Tokala concurred, walking beside Sebastien.

The Alpha then slowed down. "The river's up ahead. Everyone be on high alert. Watch for cadejo and hostile wolves."

Everyone went silent and followed the Alpha to the tree line. But when the river was in sight, there were no cadejo to be seen. Damon stopped and looked around, and once everyone joined him, they all mumbled unsurely.

"I think...Kane must have led them back to the pit," Julian said as they and Wilson stood behind Jackson.

Damon glanced at them and then glared ahead. "We can't take any chances. Stay close, keep your senses focused, and if you see even the slightest thing you think might be dangerous, you speak up. Understand?"

"Yes, Alpha," everyone said.

The Alpha stepped out of the trees and walked towards the flowing river. Jackson and Remus followed behind him, and the pack trailed them in a single-file line with Sebastien and Wilson at the back.

A harsh breeze rushed past, carrying the scent of the forest, and as his fur floated in the wind, Damon called, "We'll keep moving downwind. Kane's wolves won't be able to follow our scent, so we'll find somewhere to take cover before the winds shift."

"Do you want me to scout ahead?" Sebastien called.

"Go," Damon agreed.

The winged hound took off and disappeared into the forest across the river.

When Jackson's paws touched the water, he looked down at the small fish swimming above the pebbles. He didn't sense danger, and it didn't look as though anyone else did, either.

The pack crossed the water without disruption, and once they moved into the woods, Damon picked up the pace, following the river.

"We'll use the river to get us to the Great Lake," the Alpha called.

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