| 17 | Silver Traps

Start from the beginning

"Only what we looked into...but you don't remember any of that, do you?"

He shook his head.

"They're pretty much the Caeleste government. The Zenith and Lord Caedis sit at the very top of it all, but they have a council that handles everything for them. We call them the Caeleste Council. You and I also found out that the Nosferatu—three hundred or something years ago—used to be only a vampire organization. But then Caedis met Zenith, they did demon bonding mate things and started conquering the world. For the better, though," Wilson said matter-of-factly. "There was a time when this world was a whole lot worse than it is right now. Wars all over the place, gods trying to prove to one another that they had the bigger, stronger cult."

"Sheesh," Julian mumbled. "I'm glad I wasn't alive back then."

"Your almighty Fenrisúlfr was, though. He lived through it, didn't he?" But then Wilson frowned. "Well, he disappeared like...a hundred and fifty years ago or something, right?"

Julian and Jackson nodded.

"Hmm. Yeah, we didn't come across anything about him. You sure you don't remember any of this?" Wilson asked, staring at Jackson.

"No," he said with a pout. "I wish I did. Then I wouldn't have to sit around asking people questions all day."

Wilson sighed and shrugged. "Well, hey. At least you'll remember everything someday, right?"

"Right," he grumbled.

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| Sebastien |

It was too quiet.

Sebastien followed the trail left by Lalo, Alastor, and Wesley through the thick woods and out into another glade. He couldn't sense any life force other than that of the three wolf walkers for miles, and when he focused on the trio, they didn't seem to be moving. That couldn't be because they were stalking something; if that were the case, he'd be able to sense whatever their prey was.

He picked up the pace, heading back into the forest. But as he approached the area he could feel the wolves' auras, he slowed down and looked around cautiously. It took him a mere moment to locate the trio of brown wolves, and when he saw that they were standing on top of a lone fallen log—and struggling to keep their balance—Sebastien frowned strangely.

What the hell were they doing?

Sebastien went to move towards them—

"Wait, no!" Lalo shouted, spotting him.

He froze and stared at the trio as Alastor and Wesley set their eyes on him, too. "What the hell are you three doing?" he called confusedly.

Wesley raised a paw and pointed at the snow-covered ground with it. "There's traps hidden under there."

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