Chapter 10

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No one POV~
Kakashi woke up and smelled eggs and bacon he sat up and rubbed his and he saw obito with food in his hands and right next to him was his father and a lady who he did not know. Kakashi smiled and obito gave him his food and Kakashi started eating sakumo walked over to kakashi and said "kakashi I would like you to meet someone special." Kakashi looked at his father in confusion then the women walked up to sakumo and said "Kakashi you have grown" Kakashi turned even more confused kakashi finished eating and obito grabbed the plate and said "I am gonna let you three talk it out."

Obito left kakashi his father and the lady in there kakashi first spoke and said "do I know her dad" the lady and sakumo looked at each other and the lady then smiled and said "no you were only a baby." The lady stopped and then said "but a mother never forgets" kakashi turned shocked the lady was his mother the person who his dad was looking for. Kakashi started crying and his mom hugged Kakashi, sakumo smiled and obito walked back in the room and saw Kakashi hugging his mom obito smiled and walked over to them.

Kakashi looked at obito and his mom walked towards sakumo and said bye to them and left Kakashi looked at obito again and then got out of bed and walked to obito and hugged him. Obito hugged back Kakashi cuddled into obitos chest and said "obi thank you" obito replied with "your welcome Kashi" Kakashi looked at obito. Kakashi smiled and said "obi how do I repay you" obito replied with "nothing" Kakashi back away from the hug and went to the closet and got dressed and left to go to the hokages office.

At the hokages office~
When Kakashi walked in the hokages office he saw Noelle and immediately smiled and ran to her and hugged her Noelle hugged back then something was thrown at them and fog came out. Then everything went black for them but it was actually fog that hypothesized them to have sex with each other(I know what y'all are gonna say it's weird and I know it is). And someone took pictures of this and put into the newspaper and sent it to every nation and every person and what will happen the next day let's see.

The next day~
Kakashi woke up and saw Noelle him and Noelle were both in a bed naked and he immediately felt guilty and shaked Noelle and she woke up and said "what happened" Kakashi replied with "I don't know." They both got out of bed and got dressed they both said bye to one another and walked their separate ways when Kakashi got home he opened the door and saw everyone their giving him a glare and he knew why. Because there was a newspaper on the couch with him and Noelle kissing on it Kakashi left without saying anything Kakashi ran and saw Noelle hugging Zoey.

Noelle looked at Kakashi who was running towards them Noelle teleported them to her room Noelle signed and said "I saw the papers too I know a way to help you and obito fix your relationship." Kakashi looked at him confused but then Noelle walked to her other closest and opened it and Kakashi blushed because in the closest were maid dresses and any type of revealing clothes. Noelle grabbed a maid outfit and gave it to Kakashi, Kakashi grabbed it and Noelle just smiled and left and arrived and at Kakashi obitos house and found obito on the couch crying.

Noelle teleported Kakashi to his and obitos room to get dressed then Noelle walked to obito and obito looked at Noelle and said "you" Noelle smiled and said "go to your room and see what I got for as a sorry gift." Obito turned confused but nodded and went to his room and opened it and heard something from the bathroom he looked through the keyhole. And then he saw kakashi in a maid dress trying to fix it obito smirked and Kamuied Kakashi to him Kakashi turned shocked when he saw obito.

Kakashi shivered and said "obito" obito turned surprised but knew why Kakashi called him by his full name and not his nickname he usually calls him obito picked up Kakashi bridal style and went to the bed. Obito put Kakashi down on the bed gently and said "Kashi I will show you what happens when you have sex with someone other then me." Kakashi became surprised and said "obi I am sorry you can have sex with me as long as you need to" obito smiled and said "thank you Kashi" Kakashi replied with "your welcome."

They did a total of 48 rounds of sex and  Kakashis ass was burning like hell obito stopped and looked at Kakashi who was crying at this point obito whipped Kakashi tears away and Kakashi just smiled. Obito hugged him and Kakashi hugged back and obito then said "sorry I went overboard on you" Kakashi replied with "its ok obi" obito smiled then he looked at the time it was already 10pm. He looked back at Kakashi and he saw he was fast asleep obito chuckled and then he cleaned up Kakashi and then put the blanket over them and they both cuddled and then obito went to bed.

With Noelle/me and Zoey~
Noelle was reading while in her bed then Zoey walked in and said "Noelle" Noelle looked up and teleported her book to the bookstand Zoey teleported to Noelle and held her. Noelle cuddled into her chest and fell asleep Zoey turned off the light and also went to bed then Quinn walked in and saw that they were sleeping so she walked out. Quinn walked to the living room and saw all the konoha founder sleeping on the couches so she turnednoff the the living room lights and left to go to her room and went to bed.
The end I think~

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