Chapter 2 ~ Promise

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Deep breathes, I would tell myself over and over again.
    Today is one of the most important days I will live... well maybe second to the day I am crowned Queen of the 8 regions and the Radiant One. That is hoping the title falls to me, though, I'm not to worried looking at the abilities of my sisters. I've always admired my mother, she became queen at 20 after showing her Radiant Abilities and killing her brother. It is law that in the royal family, any one of the current King or Queen's children showing to be the Radiant One will take the crown. This is what all regions have to do to their royal children.
     Where things get tricky is when no offspring of the current ruler shows any abilities, in which case any relative or citizen which such abilities will take place as ruler. This usually leads to the king or queen having multiple spouses in attempt to have as many children as possible, hopefully to keep their bloodline as royalty. But there is a negative to this... if more than one child shows Radiant Abilities, they will have to fight their sibling to the death, allowing the winner to absorb their abilities and become ruler.
     Because, if anyone in this world knows anything, it is the less people with Radiant Abilities breathing, the more powerful the remainders will be... Oh blessed eyes of Rai, please don't let my sisters have the ability... I'd give anything...
"You know, sister, that staring off at a wall isn't going to make time go faster, it just makes things more uncomfortable for the rest of us." Seraphim mused.
Seraphim was the sister I disliked the most while also being the closest too, I was only 3 when she was born by my mother and her second husband. Now at 14, my sister seems to be even more intolerable now than when she was a screaming baby.
"I have a lot on my conscious." I say quietly.
"Of course you would, three more years until you take Mothers throne, and tonight is where you'll gain all your dozens of suitors and allies!" Seraphim always has a way of making you feel worse about everything.
"Assuming I am the Radiant One." I murmur, I hate talking about my future, especially with the person I may have to kill in cold blood someday...
"Let's hope so, I'd like to think we all deserve better than killing each other then if we've restrained from it for so long now!"
This brings a smile out of me, Oh Rai please never make me hurt my wonderful sisters... I couldn't, I'd rather allow the kingdom to be in ruin-
My inferno of horrific thoughts of my sisters mangled corpses is interrupted by the sound of one of the Fae women, "My darling Radiances," Radiances, another word for the royal family, and a constant reminder of our curse... "the guests have arrived! Make way to the gates where your mother and fathers will be waiting!"
This fills me with gut wrenching anxiety, but I distract myself but grabbing onto my youngest sisters, Clementine's, small hands and guide her through the castle halls with my sisters and the servants. I can't help but wonder what Clem thinks of all this, she's only 8, old enough to know but not to understand. My mind them wanders to the beautiful Fae servants, one of the many species that over power the average human easily, but can't help themselves against our overwhelming numbers and the small percentage whom are blessed with Energy of Rai.
Does she feel jealous? Knowing that she could be the queen if Rai had blessed her kind instead... Or does she feel grateful, not having to worry about slaughtering your beloved siblings once you leave childhood? Or worse of all, is she too far gone in the class system of the 8 regions that she simply does not care. We make our way down to the gates, overlooking the thousands of men and women coming from all 8 regions.
Each regions represents a type of Gift of Rai that humans can receive, each having a royal family filled with those who behold those abilities. The capital or the kingdom represents the Radiant Region, and is the only kind that end up with so much death.
I look out and see the bright green flag of the carriages of the Chemical Region, their horses strong and quick with the pure abundance of agricultural resources their gifted ones can produce in a matter of hours. They are followed by the swift vehicles of the Electrical Region, producing all the power in all 8 regions, generated from the hands of every gifted one they can stuff in a factory.
More and more carriages and vehicles follow, I stand next to my mother in her most beautiful gown, as the royalty of each region starts to pile into the dining hall. My mother greeting each one like an old friend. Which I suppose maybe they were... I wonder how many of them knew her brother... before... she...
"Ahh I see Kenna has blossomed into a wonderful flower, shining brighter than any star!" These words come gracefully from Queen Rorisa from the Chemical Region.
"Thank you for your blessed words my Lady, may his Radiance be upon you and all your region!" I muse, enunciating every word just as I had practiced with my Fae Servant, Mei.
These short sentiments pass between all the royals I greet as they make their way in, I receive many gifts and blessings, more than my sisters due to being the eldest. Various cultures and languages pass us by, most of which I do fair in, until my mother tenses up at the sight of our next guest. He is a tall man, bearded, but weak... He seems to be made of more bones than flesh, accompanied by his sunken eyes. He is a grave reminder of the one thing my mother always reminds me...
While you may be blessed by Rai with your control of the Energies do not think Rai will protect you from them.
King Goran of the Nuclear Region.
He walks up slowly, holding my mothers gaze... almost daring her to look away. But she holds strong.
"Good to see you again Goran." My mother says politely, but keeping a firm look in her eyes.
"Don't lie to me Arryn, I not exactly pleasing on the eyes." His eyes are filled with anger, death, loss, it's almost suffocating to see.
"That is what happens when you take too much from the well or Blessings Rai gives us." A shot, but framed in a strong but well meaning way.
"At least I don't have to watch my children fall into the well and never come out." Dangerous words to the Radiant Queen, but even more dangerous when his eyes fall to me.
I can't help but look away, guiding my gaze to his hands. Only then do I notice how his hands are shaking, the few remaining nails yellow and rotten.
"Beautiful," he looks me up and down, then moves to my other sisters, suggested not to speak unless spoken to my Mei.
"Thank you, may the Blessings of Rai-" he snorts and cuts me off.
"I don't need your blessing, but you might..." He looks to Astraea, barely being able to hold still as you usually does, "You good with a sword kid?"
Astraea can't help but light up to any mention of a weapon, "Of course! I am only the best, at least that's what my Fae teacher says," she pauses as she remembers Mei's instruction, "Blessing of Rai be upon you and your kingdom!"
His gaze pierces through her, sizing this 11 year old girl up, like an enemy. He then returns to me, "Blessings be upon you as well, but maybe not on her, just in case Rai gets too generous with his gifts. Hate to see such a pretty girl killed by-"
"Enough." My mother never yells, but she also never is this tense, "Please find you place in the dining hall, may the Blessings of Rai be upon you and your Region."
They hold each others eyes for a few moments, until Goran smiles, looks at me once more, and goes inside the dining hall with his family and men.
I look to my mother, did I respond correctly to his strange comments? Or should I have remained silent and let Mother handle it? I am only met with a gentle stare from my mother, a promise almost, that there was nothing and no one that could make her love me or my sisters any less.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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