Chapter 1 ~ Hearth

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I am not a sentimental person.
But if there is one thing I do value over all else, it is youth.
To be young is to be happy, it is to be free, it is to be weak and to be entirely comfortable in such a way.
I miss it.
I miss when the easiest of things felt like mountains and the hardest things were a small breeze, passing me by without any thought.
I would give anything to be a child again... but youth is the one gift that everyone is given and yet it always gets taken away.
Not the wisest of men or the bravest of warriors or the richest of kings could bring it back.
The memories of childhood is the one part of the gift we get to keep...
It's the only thing they'll never be able to take away from me.

I stare at the ruby necklace I was given in the mirror.
I hate it.
I've never really liked wearing jewelry, not because of the implications it gave to a young girl about femininity. But rather the way it made my neck sag and always seemed to catch on to the tiniest of hairs on my nape that cease to exist afterwards. I must admit I do admire the large blood red ruby at the bottom of the chain. I always loved gems and rocks, loved how they could be so dense and powerful while still retaining a certain sense of beauty and wealth. I wanted to be like that someday. Wear my jewels with no chain tugging at my neck.
But for today the necklace must stay on, at least that's what my mother keeps telling me. She stands only a few steps away from me as I sit on the floor, the faeries tending to my brown messy hair. My sisters always had the most beautiful hair, but mine always seemed to be messy and ratted. I didn't mind, every tangle was proof that I don't spend my days wasting away in-front of a mirror like my second sister, Seraphim.
"Mother?" I whine loudly.
"Yes, my darling?" She hums, half listening, her full attention is on the dress of my eldest sister, Kenna.
"When will the guest arrive?"
"Later this evening, in about a Wyns time."
Only a Wyn? I wonder how the Fae will manage to get my rats out by then. One time I grew bored and counted as high as I could in a Wyn, I counted to about 130 before the Wyn was. I know there are 18 Wyns while the sun is up, and another 18 following. Maybe I should count as high as I can in the span of a Yawyn. I bet it would be pretty high, I wonder how high I could even count, or how high anyone could count?
"Astraea, maybe if your hair didn't look like a birds nest the guests wouldn't have to come so late." Seraphim snapped as she smacks her lips with that nasty smelling pink stuff.
"It does not!" I yell loudly, enough the make the fae servant behind me jump.
This only gets a stupid laugh out of her, "I would suggest you to look in the mirror to check, but I'd hate for you to disturb the birds with your crying."
I don't cry, ever, but I really wanted to now. "You're such a liar and very ugly!" Not my most creative insult, but it's the best I can do as a upset 11 year old with a reputation to uphold.
"Both of you quit before you make my ears bleed with your whining." This came from Kenna, she never talks to me much, that's because she's so much older and prettier than me.
"Maybe that will improve your Rai forbidden ear rings, Kenna!" Screams Seraphim, this starts a yelling fight between the two until my mother finally objects.
"Girls! Tonight is the night where all the six regions come to the Radiant Kingdom to celebrate! Dare I need to ask what we're celebrating?"
Both Kenna and Seraphim quickly begin to answer, but only for Mother to silence them with her hand.
"I want to know if Astraea knows." She kindly suggests.
This troubles me, I rarely pay attention in my studies, let alone in any boring history book. But this is one occasion any citizen of this country must know.
"To celebrate the resurgence of the Radiant Ones." I state.
This makes my mother smile, which makes me smile, "and that is why we must be kind and be presentable today. It is no longer about us my princesses, it is about the power we have been blessed with."
She raises her soft hand and holds it up to the open window. With a slight smile, she touches the light with her hand and captures it. Separating it from its source and holding it deep within her palm.
"We all have been blessed with the power of the good Radiant One; Rai. And now we must cherish this gift and share it with others to make a sustainable and enjoyable kingdom and country for every one of our subjects."
Mother slowly walks over the Kenna and places a small orb of light in her wrist, causing a small stain in her skin, a small stain that glows. "For my Kenna, to keep you safe."
She turns to Seraphim and places it into her skin as well, staining it, "for my Seraphim, to keep you wise."
She comes to me, I was scared it was going to hurt, but it was only a comforting warmth that filled my body. "For my Astraea, to keep you brave."
She finally goes my youngest sister, kneeling down to her small height, "And for my Clementine, to always make sure you can find your way back home."
With her final smile she seems to be glowing, and maybe she was. "Always keep this bond of light with you, girls. And always remember your true hearth, with each other."
She left the room as me and my sisters were left dazed, our servants continuing to pamper us until everyone arrived.
I remember feeling proud that day.
Proud of the family I was gifted with, and the blessings Rai sent upon us.
That was the last day I ever was thankful for what Rai has given me.

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