EJ crossed his arms and smirked. "I think I need a 51st century guy."

However, as they watched Jack begin to talk to this Algy, they realised something was wrong. They were stunted in speech and movement, and soon, he dropped to his knees. The gas mask transformation began again, and they watched as the nozzle was forced up his throat until he was no longer himself. It was unfair.

But it wasn't just him. At least another three soldiers followed suite. Their bodies reacted in the same way, and EJ could hardly look. His skin was crawling, mind aching as he tried to comprehend the lives lost to this awful situation. It wasn't even the war doing it, and that somehow made it all worse.

The Doctor wasn't afraid of it in the way he should have been. Instead, he raced towards them, his arms outstretched. "Stand back!"

"You, men!" Jack used his military influence to keep the people away. "Stay away!"

Rose and EJ followed swiftly, not wanting to be left out. The Doctor was running a million scenarios through his mind, and it only made them all worried. "The effects becoming airborne, accelerating."

The air raid siren sounded once more, and a shiver ran through the Thompson boy. "What's keeping us safe?" Rose asked, panicked.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Ah," Jack groaned as he saw the planes circling above them. "Here they come again."

"Jesus Christ." EJ groaned, running his hands through his hair.

"All we need!" The girl complained. "Didn't you say a bomb was gonna land here?"

The captain nodded, but the Doctor ignored him. "Never mind about that. If the contaminants airborne now, there's hours left."

"Till what?" Jack leant in.

"Till nothing!" He exclaimed, frustrated and overwhelmed. "Forever! For the entire human race! And can anyone else hear singing?"

EJ had been trying not to freak himself out, so he found it easier to block everything out. However, when he really listened, he could hear what the Doctor was describing. A girls voice singing rock-a-bye baby. They followed it like a map in some sort of treasure trail to one of the locked containers. The Doctor used his sonic to remove the chains, but they soon realised that they needed to stay absolutely silent.

     Nancy was singing a gas-mask zombie to sleep. His head was pressed against the table, hushed, and immobilised. It was hard to know how long this state would last, so the Doctor made sure to cut the handcuffs binding her there as fast as he could.

     When they were out, the Doctor instructed EJ to pull back the tarpaulin so he could scope the Chula  ship. The guard lights turned on as they did. They must have been motion sensor, or perhaps, someone was watching them.

     "You see?" Jack's first instinct was to defend himself. "Just an ambulance!"

  Nancy looked at the hunk of metal, with nothing less than confusion. "That's an ambulance?"

  "It's hard to explain..." Rose had taken her to the side, keeping her from danger, so it was her job to inform her of all the difficult things. "It's... it's from another world."

  Jack's brow furrowed. "They've been trying to get in."

  "Of course they have." The Doctor chuckled, half surprised. "They think they've got their hands on Hitler's secret weapon."

     So, with his own best interests at heart, the Captain leant over the ship to a small control panel. He pressed a few of the buttons, which seemed to work, until he was asked otherwise. Perhaps he knew more than he was saying, or really he was trying to prove his innocence. There was a chance EJ had jumped the gun on him, and it made him slightly nervous. 

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