Chapter 23 - Wolves on Mount Siesta - Projekt Red Route

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I have thought it incredible, having the chance at a vacation in Siesta when it was announced. Of course, it was too good to be true, fate having the blackest humour when it came to spinning a few conundrums my way. Not only we had to deal with the possibility of a volcanic type catastrophe that would have wiped out the entirety of Siesta, but as always there was also a human factor involved.

Indeed, it was greed and subterfuge that nearly brought the residents of this place to their ashen doom. Yet by a miracle we, the operatives of Rhodes managed to avert this colossal disaster. Not only that but to my satisfaction the culprit of this planned disaster was also caught though in my opinion not punished to his merits. I offered to be left alone with him for only half an hour with the express promise that I will only keep him alive and just that. My proposal, as calm I've given it seemed to have spooked a few of my fellow operators and the thoughtful Doctor of Rhodes declined. Saying that he would well get all that he deserved. I could only hope, letting it go nevertheless.

But as I had the chance to talk with Herman Doykos himself I again suggested the same offer. To which he neither refused nor accepted, saying it was at my latitude if I wanted to indulge him in a bit of torture. I decided against it. If my service wasn't wished upon then I wouldn't indebt myself indirectly this way. But using this occasion nevertheless to talk to this somewhat like-minded man. Eventually coming to the subject of me looking for a certain quality retreat to enjoy my time at.

-''Alone, with one, or more of your fellows?'' He asked at this.
-I wish a place just for me and a special someone.
-I might have something in mind, though you won't find it in any tourist offer.
-I then presume it is private and quite expensive. But I am interested to know the price nevertheless.

He shook his head.

-What Rhodes Island has done for Siesta is immeasurable. You can stay at the retreat as long as your vacation lasts, should you find it suitable to your taste.

As I've read the specifics and saw the pictures I knew it was the ideal bungalow, worthy of a wolf's retreat. It was high up on the slopes of the volcano itself. Surrounded by lush vegetation but giving a wide and awe-inspiring view of the sea and the city of Siesta itself. The bungalow was well maintained, well stocked, and had a wide terrace that included a heated pool. It was only accessible by either helicopter or off-road ATV (all-terrain vehicle). It was thus that I approached Red the next day. She took her leave from the Doctor of Rhodes and the other operators watched us curiously. Probably wondering where would we be going since I was holding two helmets.

-Care to come with me on an ATV ride?
-Yes, where is Tacet taking me though?
-To the wolf's retreat.

She looked at me curiously.

-''You will see.'' I said as I winked at her and in response she nodded with a small, honest smile.

She grabbed the spare black/red helmet and followed me. She mounted behind me on the ATV, yet before she had put her helmet on I felt her coming closer. She wrapped her arms around me and I felt her coming to my throat in a predatory manner. I tried to block, to keep it covered, yet it was all in vain against this lupo. She found her way and playfully bit my beck where my carotid artery was on my right side.

-''Guuh!'' I couldn't help but give a grunt at the vulnerable sensation that was shuddering me.
-When did you become so cheeky, my deadly lupa?
-Does Tacet not like?
-It thrills me quite a bit.

I said as I turned around and grabbed her, pulling her into a passionate kiss. We prolonged it as our tongues coiled around each others. She looked at me with clear intent at what she wanted.

-''Red feels it would be reckless to go alone with Tacet.'' She said, but in a playful manner, mocking her usual seriousness.
-Is the deadly lupo going to shy away from me?
-''No.'' And as she said that she tightened her grip on me. 

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