Chapter 19 - Reseeking of the Solace - Projekt Red Route

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It was a day later after my sparing match with Red that I had found myself walking early in the morning. I was heading to a popular bakery situated near the edge of the landship by an exposed terrace to the outside. It was with a purpose since some produces at this particular bakery were exclusive for the first hour after they would open for the day. One had to wake up early, and they were pricey but well worth it. The Laterano styled chocolate croissant and the Ursian fish pie with certain selected vegetables. I arrived in time to buy two of each and a large cup of ceylon tea.

I went to the large exposed deck that was nearby and sat on a bench. Glad that I got in time for these rare snacks and ready to enjoy a good breakfast while I took in the sight of the green lands before me. It was a good change from the view of the wastelands I have seen in the past. However, as I turned my head slightly I thought I caught a glimmer of a red colour. I turned my head fully and saw a lupo wearing a red jacket at the same bakery. She turned around to leave back inside the landship, empty-handed. I couldn't deny that my heart ached just a bit at this sight, and I let through the impulse building in me.

-''Red! Over here!'' I shouted.

She turned around unsurprised. Not because she didn't know I was there, her senses were too sharp for that. But probably surprised because I caught her attention on purpose.

-Come join me!

I said as I waved at her in a friendly manner. She seamed to contemplate my offer, then she walked towards me until she was besides my bench.

-''They ran out of the specials you wanted?'' I asked, basically already knowing, and she nodded.
-''If you'll sit with me, I will share mine with you.'' I said as I showed her the bag of still steaming goodies.

She contemplated another moment and sat down, seeming to reach for her wallet.

-Hey, it's alright, don't give that any mind.
-''Why would you share it with me?'' Red asked looking at me.
-I like your company. So why not enjoy the start of this day together?

She looked a bit taken aback by my honesty, but she didn't refuse.

-You can have one of each. And you can drink from my ceylon tea if you like it. I bought a big cup anyway.

She nodded and shyly took out the Ursian pie first. We ate at our leisure and in silence as we admired the view far and wide in front of us. The morning view was inspiring as we saw the sun rising from our left, illuminating the far out mountains on our right. And it was joyful seeing this pretty lupo at ease, munching hungrily at her pie. And I did the same. I took a sip of my tea and put the large cup in the middle of the bench between us, though a little closer to her. She looked at it first and then decided to grasp it. She took it close, sniffing it before she sipped it herself.

-What do you think of the tea?
-''Aromatic, I like it.'' She said simply and content.

To soon we were already through the Ursian delicacy and while somewhat satiated we took it slower as we savoured our Laterano croissants.

-Hey Red.

She turned around to gaze at me, curious while she was still munching on her treat.

-Which of these do you like better?
-Hmm, Ursian pie... you?
-Hard to say, maybe the chocolate treat.

Soon we were done, and I gathered all the wrappers in the bag between us. Taking it and putting it at my feet.

-I'll dispose of this when we leave.

She gazed at me but gave no acknowledgment. However, I could notice that her tail was wagging slowly but intently behind the bench. Somehow I surmised she was satisfied and at ease with the time we had, and I was glad. I laid back onto the bench and relaxed, both of us enjoying the sight in a peaceful silence.

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