Chapter 17 - Northern Expedition Part 2 - Projekt Red Route

Start from the beginning

Red felt her presence. And as much as it displeased her decision, as much as Grandma wanted Tacet dead, it was nothing compared to winning the Game. The shadow finally relented and vanished as if never existing. And Red knew nothing would touch them while Grandma remained on watch. They would sleep the night in peace. She laid on him for much time, still not daring to take rest. Not until she knew he would live for certain. And soon she felt it. A twitch and then movement. He was waking up. And then she heard his voice. She rose slightly upon Tacet, looking at him. For his part he looked incredibly tense. The eyes of someone who was caught.

-What are you going to do to me, Red?

Tacet asked. Though it was just a nicer way of asking ''Are you going to kill me now, Red?''

-I am keeping you warm.

She felt his heartbeats rising, almost irregularly. His body language was giving conflicting signals and Red had difficulty reading his state of mind. Something was off. She felt him so close and so well that she could read him. But not understand him. There was an intensity growing dangerously inside of him... it was pain, pain and something else.

-Tacet stood watch. But the cold was taking your life.
-Red didn't wish to lose you. So I brought you in with me.

He was gasping lightly for air as he looked intensely at the lupo upon him. Then, suddenly, she felt it all instantly change.


Was the only thing he would utter. He brought his arms around the lupo and embraced her closely, her jacket having fallen off of her. Projekt Red was surprised. She had yet to understand the reasoning for his behaviour, but she felt him surrender, give in. She couldn't exactly figure why. But she felt his tenseness loosening, his pain now dissipating. She preferred him to be free of pain, and so she accepted it. She laid back relaxedly upon him, and she could feel him at ease. His heart was beating clearly and normally now. A hand gently came upon her head and fluffy ear. His grasp was gentle and warm. It was soothing to be at ease with him, she thought. She... decided she liked this. She fell asleep upon him and they both basked in a restful slumber upon one another.

---Tacet's perspective---

I suddenly woke up in a heavenly comfort I have never known before. I felt still half asleep, it was pleasantly warm but even more pleasant was the wolf girl I felt laying on me. I instinctively knew it was Red. I was at ease, and I felt I could lay like that with her for a long time. She was snuggled comfortably onto me, and slowly I wrapped my arms back onto her. I wanted to feel her closer, to prolong this moment. I instinctively knew I was not thinking normally. My inhibitions must have been down, still only half awake as I was. And I decided to enjoy this moment of bliss as much as I could. I felt her move. She must also have awakened. But she seemed in no rush, she only adjusted her comfort on me before she slumbered a bit more. Her face was close against my shoulder and her head was against my visage. I could smell her scent, and I couldn't help but readjust my palm onto of her head. She was so warm, her ears were brushing so softly against my hand. Some more time passed before she rose up slowly, morning fatigue still on her face and she looked at me.


She spoke with a voice which softness I have never encountered before. She wiped her face and her eyes, bringing back her sharp composure of a hunter. I remembered last night when I woke up briefly. And... I didn't feel too awkward about it.

-Are you alright Red? Is your head wound better?

I asked nonchalantly as she was still onto me. I... enjoyed her closeness too much I could not deny.

-Red is well now.
-''Thank you for last night, I think I might have never had woken again if I stayed there.'' I said.

She shook her head.

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