I'm Not the Only One

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Ilia's POV

"It's almost been a week."

Ashei's statement does not help. I can see Shad shoot her a look, though he's trying to hide it from me. I remember what he told me in the truck the other day. He thought about running away, but I was the force that made him stay. I guess I didn't know Link long enough to be the same thing for him.

But that's okay. I can't blame myself. We just have to comfort him when he returns home. If he returns home.

Shad sees my sad expression and wraps an arm around me. "He'll be okay, I'm sure of it. He just needs time to think."

I smile sadly at him and lean into his side. "I know. I just wish there was something we could do."

"It's out of our hands. But we'll be there for him when he comes back."

"Thank you. Both of you."

Ashei presses her lips to a line. "I've gotta go." She pats my shoulder before going through the side doors to the second school parking lot.

Shad walks with his arm around me, tenderly tracing circles on my arm. His presence alone calms me. He has been so understanding and kind these past few days, and I suddenly see all the times he was there for me over the years. He's always there to listen, to ward off mean comments. He rearranges his schedule to do things with me. He makes me feel better when I'm insecure about things. I don't know why I've never noticed it before. He's such a great friend. He's more than a friend, really.

The memory of his kiss heats my lips and makes me uncomfortable at the same time. I haven't been so great to Shad in return. I disregarded his feelings and hurt him when he's done so much for me. I didn't believe him or support him when he allowed himself to be vulnerable and showed me his secret project.

I have to make it up to him. Some way.

As I think of ideas, Mr. Sheik calls my name. Mrs. Saria is with him.

"I haven't seen Link since Monday," Mr. Sheik says. "We need to go over tonight's drill. Do you know where he's been?"

"He's. . ." I stammer. "He, uh. . ."

Shad comes to my rescue. "He's dealing with problems at home."

"Ah." Mr. Sheik is quiet for a second. "If he needs anything, we're here for him."

Saria nods. "I have personal experience with a difficult home life. Tell him I can help."

"Thank you." And I mean it. It makes me happy to know Link has peope that care about him for only knowing him for a few days.

To further my point, as Shad and I walk across the parking lot, Skull calls to us.

"Do you know when Link will be back?" he asks. "It doesn't feel right in sectionals without him."

I shake my head.

"Well, if you see him, give him my best regards." With that, Skull continues down the sidewalk.

"Are you okay?" Shad asks once he's out of earshot.

"Yeah." I give him a genuine smile. "So many people care about him. If only he knew that, too."

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