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"Why can't you both get along?"

The dean asked Y/N and Suna, whose arm is in a cast from the result of Y/N breaking it. Y/N huffed and turned away.

He sighed and held his head in his hand, "You'll both have detention for breaking school rules

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He sighed and held his head in his hand, "You'll both have detention for breaking school rules."

"Well Y/N started it." Suna replied flatly.

"And she threw my phone out of a window. So her punishment should be worse than mine for breaking someone else's property." He added on with no hesitation.

"What the fuck Suna!" Y/N said turning to him, "You think you can tell the dean to give me a harsher punishment than you???"

The dean hold up his hand to shush you and Suna, "First of all," He began, "Suna Rintarō, you can't tell me who to give the harshest punishment to because you are also in the wrong for posting a video of someone without consent, so you deserve a harsh punishment to rethink about your improper behavior too."

"Second of all. Zukeran, you need to watch your mouth."


"...And third of all. You two are requested by Coach Kuroso to clean the gym after school for a week after Inarizaki boy's volleyball practice."

"What??" Y/N cried out, "Hell no! What does the coach want from me??"

"You're lucky Y/N," The dean said, "because unlike Coach Kuroso, I would've suspended you for 10 days and make you write a four page essay on how you could be a better student and interact with others nicely at Inarizaki while also completing your school assignments from home. Kuroso believe that if you help clean up after volleyball practice, you will learn good sportsmanship and hopefully, get along with Suna, who's also on the volleyball team. That goes for you too Suna. You're gonna be cleaning with Y/N and interact with her too."

Suna stayed quiet. Though his mind is pretty expressive.

"There's no way in hell I'm gonna clean with Zukeran Y/N."

"Dean's a bitch too. I hope he says something to piss Y/N off right now and make her break his arm too."

"Screw you Y/N. Now I'm going to miss months of practice for the nationals."

"At least I don't have to be stared down by Kita or yell at by Coach Kuroso for slacking off..."

The dean clasp his hands together, "Alright! You are dismissed! You'll both be serving your punishment starting today!"


During history class, Class 2 students are chatting away with their partner and while also working on their project. Y/N and Atsumu are working on their project silently. Endo is out sick and won't be returning to school for god knows how long. Atsumu steal some quick glances at Y/N who is typing away on her laptop, finding more information about Brazil.

A wild thing ~ Atsumu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now