Parents Are Back

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"Oh son it's okay uh she likes your cooking.don't you dear?" My stepdad asked her and she slowed nods. "Then how come she isn't eating any." Chase asked him still 'crying' I saw my mom giving I will kill this kid look.

She slowly took another bite and gagged again. "You have to eat the whole thing so I know that you aren't lying." Chase told her she glared at him when my stepdad wasn't looking.

She slowly took a big bite of it she quickly covered her mouth and she closed her eyes and she swallowed it. She started gagging. "Are you okay dear?" William my stepdad asked her she nods.

She chugged her water then went back to the pancake their was just a little bit left she took another big bite of it and began chewing it really fast and swallowed. She got up and ran to the bathroom I hear her puking my brothers laughed at her.

"Boys what did you put in it?" William asked us they stopped laughing and looked at him confused. "Nothing just pancake mix and red dye to make the pancake red." Julian said and my brothers nod in agreement.

My mom came out and glared at us she mouthed to me I will kill you for this I gulped and put my head down. "Hey Hunter want to play videogames with me?" Tristan asked me I nod he took my hand and we walked to his room.

Tristan closed the door and threw me the poptart package and he turned on his TV and turned on Cheaper By The Dozen movie. We watched it while I ate my Poptart after I was done I got up and threw the package away. Tristans door opened and I saw my mom her eyes widen when she looked at me. "I need to talk to Hunter for a minute or two." My mom said my heart started beating super fast that I thought my heart will pop out of my chest.

"Well he doesn't want to talk to you." Tristan said and got up from his desk chair. "Also theirs this thing called knocking." He added and closed the door in her face I laid down on his bed and watched the movie.

"Guys I'm heading to the store you want anything?" William asked us I shake my head no and so did Tristan William nods and walks out I hear the door close.

"BOYS!" I hear my mom yell my heart almost came out of my chest I hear Tristan groan he got up and I follow him from behind. "Yes your highness." Daniel asked rolling his eyes I had to hold back a laugh.

"Don't sass me boy for now I'm in charge and you will do as I say." My mom said gritting her teeth. Daniel began to walk away. "Where are you going? "Did I tell you to leave?" My mom asked him I looked at Daniel afraid that she was going to smack him.

"Well sorry I don't listen to people like you and I'm gonna make lunch." He said and opened the cabinet and got ramen out my mom speed walked over to him he then grabbed his hair making his head fall back.

"Get the hell off of me you bitch." Daniel shouted and pushed her off of him. Wish I had that strength I thought to myself. "Did you just push me?" My mom asked him and narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm calling dad, your gonna be in so much trouble." Chase said and ran to get the phone my mom ran up to him and literally and I mean literally tackled him to the ground. "Ahh the crazy woman got me!" Chase screamed and tried to get my mom off of him.

Tristan ran to them and pulled my mom off of Chase, Chase ran to us I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. I hear the door open. "Guys you won't believe this but the stor- what's going on?" The dad asked as he walked in on Tristan pushing my mom.

"Your crazy girlfriend tried to hurt us." Chase said and put on his fake tears. William looked at my mom then his son's. "No I didn't I asked them to help me clean the house and then they got all mad and Tristan pushed me for God knows what." My mom lied I looked at William to see if he believes them.

"Tristan!"William shouted making me jump Tristan looked hurt. Don't tell me you believe her. Dad she pulled Daniels hair, tackled Chase when he tried to call you, and yes I pushed her only for her to get off Chase. Tristan explained my dad looked at my mom then back at Tristan.

"Chase is he telling me the truth?" William asked Chase he nods and William raised one of his eyebrows. "Yes sir." Chase corrected I hid my face in Julians back hiding from my mom's looks she was giving me.

"Daniel come here." William ordered Daniel walked over to him and William pulled Daniel's head down and started inspecting it. "Their is no loose hair and your hair doesn't look like it's been pulled now why would you lie to me?" William asked them their jaw dropped.

"Dad we're not lying she literally pulled my hair when I was trying to make myself a lunch." Daniel tried to explain his dad put his hand up telling Daniel to stop talking.

"Go to your rooms now." William said we walked upstairs I went in my room and closed the door tears went down my face why didn't he believe us? What if he didn't believe me if I told him? Or does he actually believe them and he just doesn't care?

I wiped my tears and pulled out my comfort item my comics I picked out the black panther one and started reading it. I was on the twentieth page when I hear my door being open and closed I looked up and my heart dropped. It was my mom.

TW abuse

"Come here you little shit." She said quietly trying not to cause attention I slowly walked over to her sh roughly grabbed my hair.

"Why didn't you listen to me when I told you to do something." She asked me I looked at her confused and I pain she didn't tell me to do anything.

She pushed me to the ground and got on top of me she hit my head I whimpered and then she started hitting my stomach and and ribs she got off of me and I sigh in relief but then she started kicking me I let out a cry when she hurt my ankle she quickly covered my mouth and stepped on my leg just to let you know she's wearing high heels and that hurts i scream and cried in her hand.

TW: over

After what feels like forever she stops and walks out of my room. I was just trying to read why is she so mean to me I didn't do anything or at least I don't think I did. I limped over to the bathroom and closed the door I started bandaging everything up she didn't hit my face probably so no one will suspect anything I walk well limp back to my room I saw my stuffed alligator.

I walked to it and hugged it he's my only friend my mom surprisingly didn't take it out on him I mean I know it's not real but she could have cut it's head off or threw it away I'm glad she didn't. I cried into it and continued hugging it and kissed its nose. I put the alligator back down on the bed and grabbed the black panther comic and continued reading it looking at the door once in awhile to see if she would come back.

I hear some laughing and screaming out side I limped over to my window and looked outside it was a mom playing with her kids a bit of jealousy hit me why can't my mom be like that? It's not fair I want a nice mom who bakes their kids cookies when their sad or hug me or kiss me, or tell me it would be okay it's not fair.

I went to my bed and start crying some more I know I'm a crybaby I can't help it sometimes. My mom wasn't always like this you know she was really nice and she would always play with me until she dated the guy before me who hurt me alot then she divorced him after what he did then she became depressed and then started putting her anger out on me. I never saw my real mom after that I mean yeah she is my real mom but I mean the happy one and the cheery one I cried harder.

I hear my door opened I gasp and quickly wipe my eyes it was Julian he looked at me with concern. "I heard crying are you alright?" He asked me I nod my head but he didn't believe me.

"Did she hurt you too?" He asked as he walked over to me I curled up in a ball and nod my head slowly I trust him well I mean he never hurt me well at least not yet.

"Where did she hurt you at?" He asked me I took a deep breath. "Everywhere but my face." I whispered his eyes widen then he ran out the room I silently cried again if you get money everytime you cried I'd be rich by now.

Life with 4 step brothersWhere stories live. Discover now