Big Boom! World War Three

Start from the beginning

Both blondes became silent when they heard the heavy stomping of the alien. "Oh, such fun. Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humeykins, come to me. Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big, green lips." They heard the alien say, getting closer and closer to the room. They could hear her stomp around, stop near the room, then go back to looking around; taking her sweet time to find them, Celestia assumed that the alien wanted to have some fun before killing them. 

Rose grabbed Celestia's hand and quickly hid them from the cabinet behind the long curtains. If Celestia had any energy, she would have commented on their poor hiding place but then again, there weren't that many places to hide in the seating room. They could hear more loud stomps, alerting them that more aliens had arrived.

"My brothers." The female alien from earlier greeted the newcomers, her siblings. 

"Happy hunting?" one of the brothers asked their sister.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink." The sister said, sniffing the air deeply, practically inhaling their scent. Celestia shot a worried look to Rose, who gave her one back. Celestia tried calming herself, knowing that the more she panicked and stressed, the more she would sweat. But that was easier said than done as she tried to ignore the aliens that begun searching the room for them and tried to think about something, anything to take her mind away from their situation.

She was suddenly thrust into images of the Doctor and wondered worriedly what had happened to him. She wanted to know that he was alright and where he was, anything to calm her nerves. She desperately wished she could use her abilities to at least locate him or to satisfy her questions, but it would be impossible in her state and condition. All she could do was pray to the stars that he was safe and alright, hopefully coming up with a plan to reunite with them soon. 

"Sweat and fear." The first brother said as he too sniffed around the room. Celestia shuddered at the sound as she held onto Rose protectively. 

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones." The other brother said, referring to Harriet.

"And two ripe youngsters, all hormones and adrenalin. Though one is hurt, her blood is sweet and fragrant." Celestia's and Rose's eyes widened before looking down at Celestia's jeans, noticing a growing red blotch on her knees; she must have gotten it when she was thrown earlier. 

"Fresh enough to bend before they snap." The sister said to her brothers, her voice loud and full of amusement. Celestia visibly winced, knowing that the alien was close to them.

The sister pulled back the curtains revealing the two blondes, who screamed at the sight of the aliens and of being discovered by them. Celestia stood in front and acted as a protective barrier for Rose, not caring if she were to be taken first, it would at least give Rose some time to run and escape. 

"No! Take me first! Take me!" Harriet shouted, revealing herself from her hiding place and willing to sacrifice herself if it meant that Rose and Celestia had a chance to escape.

Before the unknown species could harm them, the Doctor bursts in with a fire extinguisher. He quickly sprayed the male aliens with the fire extinguisher.

"Out, with me!" He ordered them. Rose quickly pulled the curtain down over the female alien as Celestia grabbed a chair and slammed it on top of the alien's head with all her might before following the Doctor. Celestia groaned lowly as she felt her head pound but continued to follow the best she could.

The Doctor turned to Harriet. "Who the hell are you?" the Doctor asked Harriet in a rushed tone.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." She introduced herself, quickly showing him her ID card.

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