Prologue (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I'm not a doll, you know. I'm alive!"

"Huh? Did you hear me!?"

"I'm psychic."


"Kidding! I just have really good intuition."

Wow, she's a sharp one...

"Huh? Hey, by any chance.."

"Now what?"

Sayaka covers her mouth in shock.

"Jeez, you guys! How long do you plan to waste our valuable time with this ridiculous back-and-forth!?" Kiyotaka exclaims.

"S-Sorry. Just got carried away, I guess..."

"Self-introductions are for introducing yourself, not bumbling through a bunch of idle chit-chat!"

"Y-You're right."

"Sorry, Akira.. We can talk about this later."

It sounded like Sayaka really had something she wanted to say. But it's not like we'll never see each other again. Like she said, we can talk later.

I go up to the man with the red, spiky hair.

"Yo! The name's Leon Kuwata. What's up?"

I recognize that name...

He played for the national high school champs as their cleanup hitter. The Ultimate Baseball Star... And that superb athletic specimen is...

"You? Seriously!?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, I'm just...surprised. I figured with you being the Ultimate Baseball Star and all..."

"What, were you expecting some kid with a shaved head?"

"Shaved head...? No, I was just expecting more of a, you know, sporty-looking traditional baseball player type. I mean, when I found that article and picture of you online, that's how you looked then."

"Dang it! Aw man, you found that picture of me playing baseball? Seriously!? I hate that picture!"

"This is not cool. This is SO not cool... Seriously, I'm like, mega embarrassed right now. I didn't have a choice, okay? Shaving your head like that is part of national championship regulations!?"

"But now I refuse to cut my hair. And I'm not gonna dye it back to normal either! And I don't have to!"

"Actually, can I be totally honest with you?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"I don't like baseball. Like, at all. I've never gone to a single practice."

He's never practiced, and he was still his team's star player? That's very surprising.

"And as soon as I got accepted here, I quit playing baseball for good! I have my own dream for the future!"

"A dream...for the future?"

"My only path in life is getting into music!"

Who new that the ultimate baseball star quit and wants to make music, well, now I know.

"I'm gonna be a singer, so all I need is a songwriter and someone on guitar, and I can create my own band!"

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I never imagined I'd hear something like that from a baseball all-star...

I then go to the man with glasses and a black, short, ahoge.

"My name is Hifumi Yamada. But if you want to call me by my nickname, "The Alpha and the Omega!" I don't mind."

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