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ILARIA LAYED CURLED UP UNDER A MULTITUDE OF BLANKETS, ONE OF THOSE BLANKETS BEING HER SADNESS. It kept her down, suffocated her - she'd had many days like that... But she never tried moving, shaking the blankets off or opening her curtains. It was comfortable.

Everytime she had hope that things would be okay somehow everything came crashing down again. She never learned. So she just lay motionless in those days, waiting for something inside her to change - so she could go back to being who she was. Nothing changed and she was afraid nothing ever would.

It was a rare sunny day, quite the contrast to her horrible mood.
She'd decided to skip school, it didn't make a difference - she was ahead in all of her classes.

Her mother never questioned it, she knew how it was when Ilaria had her "episodes" and it was pointless trying to reason with her during them.

Kai hadn't asked questions, he only stopped by in the morning to give her chocolates - he left it on her bedside table and didn't say much other than that he'll be back in the afternoon if she wanted so - she'd nodded to let him know he could.

It was almost 2 in the afternoon and Ilaria was still in bed, scrolling through pictures of her and Kenna aswell as her and her father. It's like she could feel time moving.

Her cheeks were wet with tears, when did she go from growing up to breaking down? When did she just stop growing and moving? When did time really freeze?

She stopped at a picture where she was about 8 or 7, her, Kenna and Rose were playing with flowers, there clothes were covered in dirt - Ilaria was trying to put a flower in Kenna's hair while Rose did a peace sign behind Ilarias head, she saw the picture coming before the other two girls did.

Things were so much simpler then, when they were unaware of the evil lurking just beneath all the sunshine and rainbows.

She ran from her grief so much until it caught up to her and paralyzed her.

Ilaria had accepted that not Kenna nor her father were coming back, that those parts of her would always be empty - that didn't mean it wasn't hard anymore. It always would be, that type of pain didn't just go away. She finally understood that.

With a sigh she pushed her blankets off, there was another reason she stayed home. She slipped on her slippers and made her way downstairs and in her mother's room.

If she had been to that cabin before and if she wasn't losing her mind, then it was definitely a family cabin - so it had to be in her father's will.

Luckily for Ilaria she knew exactly where her mother kept all her papers. She closed the door behind her just incase and opened her mother's closet. Ilaria pushed aside the scrubs and clothes that were hanging and found a box on the floor of the closet.

She opened the box and sat flat on the floor right there, she put the pages on her lap and began searching through all of it, birth certificates, water bills, electricity bills, medical bills until eventually, at the very bottom of everything she found a copy of her father's Will.

Her blood rushed to her head as she opened it and began reading... If she was right then she somehow knew who started the killings.

She came up blank. There was no mention of a cabin whatsoever, if she didn't get proof that it was real then she sure did that she was losing her mind. Frustrated, she packed everything away and shut her mother's closet.

Something inside her still wasn't rested, it had to be real. It couldn't be something as simple as a dream. She refused to believe it.

But since that plan had led to a dead end, she had a plan two. She always did.

Sleepless✎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن