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AN : for the first half of this chapter listen to Tag, you're it by Melanie Martinez :)


Ilaria felt she had no clue how to differentiate between the two, her life felt like a nightmare within a nightmare within a nightmare and on and on and on. Everytime she tried waking up, she'd just wake up to an even worse nightmare.

An even more cruel one. An even more hurtful one. The sun was just beginning to set, the shadows of the trees surrounding her were claw shaped and reaching for her.

She wasn't sure how far out she'd been, infact, she had been walking for nearly two hours. Trying to find that cabin in her dream but she was deep in the woods and it was getting dark, so she turned back with a defeated sigh.

Ilaria shoved her hands in her jersey, all was perfectly still, perfectly quiet, except for the sound of the trees swaying from the wind and insects, the silence didn't last long.

A ear shattering scream filled the air, a scream that sounded exactly like Kenna.

Ilaria froze in shock and looked around, she couldn't see anyone but she was certain it was a recording. Her blood froze, if it were a recording, then someone had been following her this whole time, one of the killers - or both.

She was frozen in fear but when she heard the crack of a branch she broke out in a sprint. Over the sound of her heartbeat she could hear the footsteps running after her. Could hear him breathing.

She didn't turn around to look, she just ran. Her fear was a living breathing thing running with her, pushing her on.

Tears were starting to run down her cheeks, she didn't know how far out she was but she screamed for help until she felt like her vocal cords were about to give out.

The person behind her was laughing, actually laughing.

He's enjoying this. Ilaria felt sick with the thought, she just had to get close enough to her house. She pushed herself faster but the person grabbed her hood from behind, pulling her back causing her hood to choke her.

She let out a strangled scream and scratched against his hands, tried pulling him off her. When he wouldn't budge she did the next thing that came to mind, kicked him.

He dropped her and she used that moment to push herself up and ran faster, heaving, unable to breathe, the world was spinning, she couldn't see a thing past the spots covering her eyesight.

She tripped and tried pushing herself back up but he kicked her in her ribs, forcing her on her back.

This time there weren't stars, this time there was black, she rolled herself over, tried gripping anything but there was only sand and leaves, she clawed at it and tried pulling herself away but he pulled her legs, pulling her closer to him. She tried fighting, she kicked and kicked but he wouldn't give out.

Her eyes moved frantically around the floor, trying to find a rock, anything to hit him with.

She could feel him lifting the bottom of her jeans and cold terror gripped her, what was he doing? Her question was answered as she heard a lighter click and the smell of cigarette smoke filled her senses.

"someone help me!" she choked out, she could taste her tears. He gripped her right leg tighter and brought the cigarette down on the side of her bare calf.

A pain shot up her leg, he didn't lift it until she started screaming "someone, please" she was begging, at that point she wasn't sure if she were calling for a human, a god, an animal, all she knew was that she needed help.

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