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EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM WAS A DRUG. Ilaria couldn't think of much else, what made it worse was they were always together.

She had initially stopped by his house to study but that didn't happen when he was sitting there looking so damn kissable. Soon enough she found herself on his lap, the studying would have to wait it seemed.

Ilaria pulled away from him for air and rested her forehead against his and he pulled her closer to him - well as close as he could get her.

Kai buried his head in her neck, breath fanning against the hickeys he'd given her "you know hickeys can cause strokes" he told her breathily.

Ilaria let out a shocked laugh "it's late to mention that don't you think"

"don't worry, I've been sure to avoid your carotid artery" he lifted his head to kiss her again, softly this time - her head was swimming, she could hardly remember or think about anything other than him and she didn't mind.

When he stopped she pulled back to stare at him, deep in thought.

"out with it, agent" He chuckled as he ran a single hand through her hair.

Ilaria sighed, sometimes she liked that he could read her so easily and others she absolutely despised it.

But she couldn't keep quiet any longer and eventually asked him the question she'd been dying to since he first kissed her "what are we?" her heart was pounding in her chest. She cringed on herself and would've ran out of the room if Kai hadn't still been holding her.

Kai shrugged slowly as he met her eyes, his thumb rubbed tiny circles into her back "honestly? Whatever you want" he lowered his lips back to her jaw "but I'm yours either way."

Ilaria tugged on his hair to bring his face level with her again as she grinned "I'd like that"

"yeah?" He grinned back and her stomach erupted in a million butterflies.

"yeah" she nodded and kissed him again, she'd seriously never get enough of it, she'd never tire of him.

She was burning up and so was he but that was okay because they were burning together.

He smiled against her lips "does this mean I'm your boyfriend?"

Ilaria, not being able to form words nodded and she swore she felt his smile widen even more "holy shit"

When they finally pulled away, both breathless with swollen lips and giddy hearts - Ilaria finally slid off Kai's lap and stuck her tongue out at him as  she watched him adjust.

"you're not helping my case right now"

"I'm not trying to"


"what do you think would happen if I just ate the coffee?" Kai yawned as he watched Ilaria.

"what do you think would happen if you slept like a normal person?" Ilaria replied sarcastically mixing their coffee, when she was done she handed him his cup with a raise of her eyebrows.

Kai rolled his eyes "I sleep enough"

"oh yeah?" Ilaria shot back "how many hours?"

"uhm 2?? Maybe 3?"

"for the week Kai" Ilaria elaborated

"my answer remains the same"

"point proven"

Kai sleepily dragged her by the hand upstairs, he always seemed to be touching her somehow - like he was reassuring himself that she was actually there.

"you know I have to get home?" Ilaria said as she put her coffee down and still layed down next to him anyway. He slung his arm over her waist and didn't reply, he only pulled her closer. Their coffee was long forgotten.



"I have to go home." She repeated but didn't attempt getting up, she was far too comfortable where she was.

"five more minutes." he mumbled sleepily "just five."

"just five." Ilaria nodded "okay."

Kai was asleep within the first 2 minutes - she knew she would end up falling asleep too.

So when she woke up and saw that it was 1am in the morning she wasn't surprised in the slightest. Ilaria was more at Kai's house than her own, if her mother noticed - she never mentioned it.

Most days her mother was so exhausted she went straight to her room and to bed, she probably didn't even really notice.

Ilaria rubbed her burning eyes and gently moved Kai's arm and slipped out of bed as quietly as she could.

She opened her laptop that she'd brought earlier that day to finish off an assignment and finally loaded the file they'd received a few nights prior.

She put the volume down and sucked in a breath- as much as Ilaria didn't want to do it... Something in her had to. She had to find something, anything - it didn't matter how small or how big.

It didn't matter that it was slowly draining her because it was also the only thing that made her feel worth something. She made a promise to herself, she wasn't going to go back on it that easily.

Ilaria shakily pressed play on the video, being sure to face away from Kai incase he woke up and watched as  the gruesome image filled her laptop.

She chewed on her lip as she played it over and over, each time she did the dull throb in her head became worse.

Ilaria was almost certain that the room they were in had wooden floors and walls. Which definitely made it a cabin but she needed something else.

There was a window, she kept pausing and unpausing to get the exact moment the camera steadied perfectly so there was no blur.

When she finally got it right, Ilaria squinted her eyes and leaned closer, the bright light from her laptop illuminated her face.

There wasn't a reflection, she couldn't see it but what she did see was trees oustide the cabin.

And that was all the reassurance she needed for her to know. Her dream wasn't just a dream.

She'd been to that cabin before. Ilaria just had to figure out where it was.


Hey heyyy

I'm enjoying the Kai and Ilaria content sm please i love writing about them.

Alsooooo sorry these past chapters have been short- the very last few are going to be suppperrrr long and heavy so I mean... Mentally prepare guys 😭😭

Anyway, what do you guys think of this chapter?

If you enjoyed please don't forget to vote and share!

All my love🤍

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