Love Is In The Air

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I fed Sophia her bottle of milk and laid back on mine and Theo's bed. We hadn't long got home from the hospital and I was still tired, and so was Theo, so we just decided to have a chill day and lay in bed, watching TV together.

We suspected that our family and stuff would want to see our child sometime soon, including the uncles. That'd be Toby, and my brother Chris. Toby is an uncle since he's Theo's best friend and we both agreed on that, although I don't feel like Chris would want anything to do with it. We were thinking of inviting them separately sometime soon maybe when the baby has grown a bit.

I lay Sophia's now empty bottle aside on the bedside cabinet as I looked at Theo who was fast asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead, yawning to myself.

I got up a moment after, stretching my legs before I walked over to the crib beside our bed. I placed down Sophia in it and made sure she was tucked in nicely. It had a thing that spun around above her with little animals on it to help her sleep. It was lucky me and Theo bought this a little before I gave birth.

"Goodnight my little angel." I whispered to her, blowing a kiss before I walked back to my bed, trying to get comfy. Theo made a sound as he turned to face me now.

I tossed and turned trying to find the right spot, when finally I did. I closed my eyes, yawning. I was so tired.


I awoke to the sounds of crying beside me. My eyes were barely open and I shot up quickly, stumbling a little bit. I looked over to the crib and walked over there. I looked in and she was balling her eyes out. Hm, what could she want this time? I didn't want her to wake up Theo so I picked her up and headed downstairs. I held her in a way so that I could rock her.

I headed into the living room and Barney was sleeping in his bed. He awoke once he heard me coming down, his tail wagging at seeing who was in my arms. I trusted Barney, since he has always a gentle dog.

I grabbed Sophia's dummy from the table and put it in her mouth, hopefully having her calm down.

It took awhile, but in the end it worked. Her eyes looked droopy. She had beautiful green eyes that looked like nature itself. I love how she inherited Theo's one green eye.

I looked back over at Barney who remained in his bed, his head up and looking at Sophia. Me and Theo agreed that we would introduce her to him at some point, cause we don't want to scare her. Not that Barney is mean and scary or anything anyway.

I kissed Sophia on the forehead, getting ready to head back upstairs. I noticed my hair was a mess, and really I should take a shower tomorrow.

I got to our bedroom and I tiptoed over to her crib, placing it in her just like I did when I put her to bed. She stared up at me with those beautiful green eyes again and I swear I could cry.

"Goodnight." I said again, blowing another kiss.

I turned away, walking back to my own bed. I climbed in like there was no tomorrow and tried to fall asleep. I didn't even need to try that hard because I was extremely exhausted.



I scrolled on my phone whilst listening to Sophia play with her toys on the floor. At some points, she crawled up to me, grabbing onto my joggers, showing me some and I ended up playing with her. It was fun, actually. We did putting blocks through the right place and there was also some little figures that she tried to put in her mouth so I took it away for awhile.

She was actually starting to grow hair pretty quickly. Her hair was dark brown just like Crystals, and her eyes, her eyes, man.

Today, we were meant to be having Toby come over and meet his niece, and now we were just waiting. Crystal stood in the kitchen making a little fruit salad to give to Sophia. It consisted of carrot sticks, banana pieces, a plain yogurt and some orange. She came into the room with it after and set it on the table.

I looked back at Sophia, picking her up. "Come on you little munchkin, come and eat your food." I said, making her laugh by tickling her a little bit. I sat her down in her baby chair and Crystal agreed to feed her. I watched.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I thought I knew who it was. "I'll get it." I said to Crystal, who then went back to helping Sophia with her food.

I opened the door and I had to look up because he was so tall. "Sup Theo." said Toby. He kneeled down to look inside the house. He spotted Sophia. "Can I come in?"

I held open the door, nodding. He walked in silently and walked over to the sofa, sitting down as he looked at Sophia at the table. Barney was lying down on the floor with his tongue out. He was loosing his hair a bit. "That's your child?" Toby asked. I nodded happily. "She's... cute I guess."

I frowned at him and he laughed. "Anyway, do you mind looking after her for a bit when she's done with her food?" I asked him. He looked confused.

"Me and Theo just have some work to do in the backyard, you can leave her on the floor to play with her toys just make sure she doesn't choke on them and stuff, you know?" said Crystal behind me, holding Sophia. The plate on the table was already clear.

Toby nodded silently whilst Crystal placed Sophia on the floor. Crystal picked up a toy and gave it to her to play with.

"Thanks Toby." I said, walking out of the room and following Crystal into the garden.


Toby stared at the child as she played. He didn't really seem bothered, but it seemed like the child was kind of intrigued in him. Maybe because he was so tall. Barney was asleep in his dog bed by now.

She crawled over to him, pulling his trouser a little bit to get his attention. He leaned over, his beanie slouching a little and his glasses falling to the side. She held up a block and smiled, but Toby had another idea.

He slid off the sofa and sat on the floor with her, moving the table a little bit. He stared at her arranging the blocks into a neat little pile. "Hey kid," said Toby, which made Sophia look up at him. "Say fuck." he laughed.

Sophia had already said her first words, so it didn't matter. The word was 'Mum' which made Crystal cry.

Sophia, put the block to her mouth. "Fa!" she said. Toby took it away from her mouth.

"No eating blocks." He put it aside where she couldn't reach it. "Just say fuck!"

Sophia didn't really understand and just reached for more blocks, slipping them through the right places like she would play with Theo.

Toby rolled his eyes and jumped back onto the sofa, still watching her. This was gonna be a while, he knew it.

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