A Familiar Sighting

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I cradled Theo in my arms for some time, about 2 hours or so. I had asked him what happened in his nightmare but he refused to tell me for some reason, and I don't know why.

I decided to sing some songs, like 'You Are My Sunshine' and 'Remember Me' from Coco, to maybe cheer him up but nothing seemed to work.

After a while, I saw that it was obvious that I was not going to leave his room. The bags under my eyes had become much darker and I was yawning almost every 5 seconds because I was so tired, and so did Theo.

I got into bed with Theo and we cuddled with each other for a while, just staring at the ceiling in silence, before he decided to come out with something.

"I think I'll tell you now." he said.

I turned my head to him, he was still staring up. I sucked a breath in.

"Okay, take your time." I replied. His eyes closed for a second, like he was trying to remember what happened. Then he opened them again and turned to me.

"Well... firstly, I was in a very dark... room? I don't know. But when I took one step away I just started hearing these like weird loud footsteps behind me. I hid, and then I saw this thing... it looked kind of human but it also didn't at the same time." he paused, looking again like he was trying to remember. He breathed out before continuing. "Then he grabbed me and strangled me. It looked kind of like the dead guy that we saw on the tv... it took my air. As you probably know, as you've seen me, I struggle with my breathing a lot, it's called 'asthma'. I felt like I was going to die."

Tears gathered in his eyes. "I'm just glad it was a dream." he finished off with. He wiped his eyes and looked at me, seeing if I had an answer.

My eyes felt wide and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Could he be dreaming about Connor? No, he can't be, Connor doesn't even know Theo, or should I say didn't, anyway. I hope he wasn't dreaming of him.

"Was there a message in the dream?" I asked, intrigued.

He shook his head almost instantly, and I found that a tad suspicious, but I just left it because maybe he wasn't ready to tell me or something.

"Hey, how about we go and watch tv downstairs to try and calm you down, huh?" I suggested, rubbing his back again.

He took a moment before he agreed, and we headed downstairs slowly, not saying a word.

We sat down next to each other and he reached for the remote. I was looking at his hand when I realised a long scar across his upper arm, accompanied by other little slits a bit lower, slightly covered by his pyjama sleeve, like a cut. I was going to ask him about it but it felt rude, so I just left it.

After a moment he realised my staring and snatched his arm back, grabbing the blanket silently and pulling it over himself, covering whatever I had just saw.

At last, I decided to ignore it as he turned the tv on, switching over some different channels. One was playing Toy Story, my childhood favourite. Another was playing a game show, and there was one other I didn't quite catch.

I tapped Theo and asked him to go back one channel, and he did. Turns out it was the news, taking about the murder again. The murder of Connor Parkinson...

Theo seemed uneasy. He asked me if he could switch the channel and maybe watch Toy Story, but I just wanted to see what it was saying for a second.

Apparently, they had figured out who the murderer was. His name was Toby. Toby Creel. I eyed the screen like a child, getting slightly closer. I mean, this man kind of saved me from ever seeing him again, and even though like, yea, he's a murderer, but he killed my crazy, abusive ex boyfriend. So thank you Toby, whoever you are.

Theo finally took as much as he could and finally changed the channel back to Toy Story and cuddled up next to me. I sighed and pulled him in closer, starting to play with his hair, and let me tell you, it was SO soft.


They continued like this for around half an hour, before they both fell asleep on the sofa together. They were leaning on each other and cuddling each other. I think they should get together... I mean... they've already kissed, right?

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