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I tried to hide my red cheeks and my excitement flying around like fireworks in my stomach as Crystal and I walked back to my house holding hands. We had been on a nice day out today, and we took lots of pictures. We both agreed we could maybe get them printed. I don't think it was intended to hold hands the entire way, but it happened anyway. Her hands were warm, not too warm but just the right temperature.

We reached my house finally and, picking the key out my pocket, Crystal let go of my hand. I felt something go on in my chest but I didn't know what it was, but I loved the feeling. I like looking at her. I like admiring her features. I like her. I like her. I like her.

She looked back at me and I caught her staring as I unlocked the door, before she stopped to step inside. It was already getting late as it was getting dark outside now. The fireworks hadn't stopped yet, they were still flying around crazily.

Barney came rushing to the door and his tail was wagging, as usual. He barked at Crystals presence and snuggled up to her for pats. He seemed to really like her. I do too. I love her. She's just so kind and so sweet, she's gentle, she's cute, she's admirable. I like her so much.

Crystal cleared her throat and looked around the house as if it was her first time seeing it again. She looked back at me taking my shoes off. I was struggling with one particular one. Barney came over and started sniffing my shoe, making it even more difficult. Crystal was laughing and it made my heart light up in joy.

"Theo?" she said quietly, rubbing at her arm where the bandage still is.

I finally managed to pull the one off and I set my shoes aside and looked back up at her. Barney strolled off into the living room and lied down in front of the tv. The fireworks won't go away.

"I.." she trailed off. She got closer to me. I can't explain this feeling. I was starting to get hot in my hoodie.

She stopped at my face, setting her hand on my shoulder. Her eye shimmered and shined. Her scar is still beautiful, since it's apart of her. Please Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.

And so she did, she didn't say anything, only plant her lips on mine. She looked at me, as if asking if it was okay. I was shocked to say the least, but I'm so happy. I nodded, staring into her eye as she kissed me again, cupping my face in her hands, pinning me against the door for a brief amount of time. I closed my eyes as did she and wrapped my arms around her waist.


I've waited so long to do this again. His face is so soft and delicate I could squish and kiss it all day. Theo was against the door, kissing me. Could this get any better?

My heart screamed and set off to the moon when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer so our bodies were touching.

We stopped kissing for a moment only to kiss more, over and over again. I think I really like him.


Approximately, we probably kissed for about 10 minutes in total since we got carried away. But he is worth my time.

When we finally stopped kissing, we sat beside each other on the sofa with Barney. His tail was in my face and we both laughed but after that it was awkwardly silent but the kiss was worth it.

Theo looked flustered, so I decided to ask him what's up since his cheeks were as red as a tomato. He shook his head covering his cheeks. He's so cute.

"My cheeks are not red." he denied, still covering his cheeks with his slightly red hand.

I shook my head and replied. "Yeah, sure." We both laughed. God help me, I really like him and I haven't even known him that long... Is there something wrong with me?...

"Hey Crystal.." mumbled Theo quietly, looking down at his blue stripy blanket that me, him and Barney were underneath. His cheeks were still red and he looked really shaky and scared.

I hopped onto it and asked him if he was okay. "You okay, Theo?"

The tv was blaring in the background but everything had gone blurry and all I could focus on was him. Only him. Only the man that saved me.

"I... um.. want to tell you something I've had on my mind for a while now." he said, looking slightly scared while staring down. "Is that okay?"

I agreed and told him it's okay. He swallowed and took a deep breath, clicking his sweaty fingers with slight pride.

He looked up and his eyes met mine. The butterflies came back from earlier when we were holding hands. I want to do that again.

He swallowed again, still sweaty and having to take the blanket off of himself. I waited for briefly 10 seconds more before he spoke, to which he shocked me.

"I... really like you, and I want to get to know you more, Crystal."

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