chapters 16

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“James!” startled James turned around to see Peterio before who stand in front of him in a second, “He is alright?”

“Yeah...” James smiled, “Now let's see brother Clint.” James said before jumping on Peterio’s back.

“You okay?” Tony asked as soon as James, Clint and Peterio sat for dinner. Steve, Sirius and Remus were already there. Wanda and Vision were somewhere on Earth.

“Yes. Where is Pete and Harry?”

“Sleep. They already ate.”

“Padfoot, Moony, you two will join us tomorrow, rights?”

“Sorry Prongs, we wanted to joined here. And Peterio and I have a great plan for tomorrow.” Sirius said and winked at Peterio.

“Oh no.” Remus and Clint mumbled.

In the evening of next day Tony, James, Little Peter and little Harry left for wizarding world. After getting the ingredients they left the Diagon Alley for the Godric Hollow, not noticing that someone was following them. But they left again as soon as they reached as they forget to buy some other things, leaving Harry with the elders Potter. Blacks and Lupin went home to get their things as they planned to leave as soon as they finish to blew the potion. But when they returned the house was almost destroyed with Dumbledore, Minister Fudge and many Aurors were there, surrounding Little Peter with Harry on his arms.


Earlier that day, Severus Snape was in the Diagon Alley to buy some potion ingredients when he noticed James Potter along with a man and kid. His hand was aching to kill them. Because of him, Lily Evan, his girlfriend was killed. But an idea pop his mind when he noticed the small kid in James's arms. He followed them and mumbled himself when he noticed them entering a house,

“Your day is finally arrived, Potter.” with a smirked he apparate away.

He entered the Riddle manor and kneel infront of the Dark Lord.

“What is it, Severus?”

“My Lord, I've an important news for you.”

“Speak.” Voldemort commanded.

“I met a parent in Diagon Alley who had a son born in July. They had been hiding in Godric Hollow. I come here as soon as I...” Severus started but interuppted by the Dark Lord who walked away without any care.

“Bring me there now.”

Severus Snape always blamed the death of Lily Evan on James Potter, so the thought of James's death made him happy. With a proud smile he also stalked out of the room. But nobody noticed Narcissa Malfoy also left the room.

Black family was known as traitors among death eater but Narcissa Malfoy was also once one of Black so she still had some love in the corner of her heart. From Kreacher, she heard Orion Black and his wife had been staying with Potters and Lupin. So she write a quick letter to Orion Black and send away.

Orion Black sent a letter to Dumbledore and Minister as soon as he recieved an unknown letter informing about the Dark Lord's attacked. And tried to leave with his wife when Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband entered the house through the fireplaces.

“Ready to run again?” Bellatrix asked sweetly.

“Bella, what a suprise? Come sit here.” Orion Black said trying to mean it, hiding the panicked, “Kreacher!”

“Let’s not wash our time. Just kill them.” her husband said, loud enough to hear them,“I’ll go with the old man.”

“Sweet. Avada kedavra!” they said at the same time resulting in dropping the two lifeless body of Blacks. With a smirked they left the house.

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