chapter 9

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“Dumbledore...” Sirius mumbled and frozed, ‘They found us.’

“Heir Black, Lupin, you need to come with us at this instant.” minister Fudge said in his ministry tone, “Where is heir Potter? He need to come to.”

“Nope.” Sirius grinned while making funny face at the minister. But inside he was a messed.

“Sirius, my boy come we're here to bring you back. The minister only wished for your best interest.” Dumbledore said with his twinkling eyes looking around, “Where is James? We need to head back quickly.” and lifted his wand when he felt someone grabbed his wand hand.

“Not so fast, old man.” Clint smirked and tried to take the wand.

“Stupefy!” Dumbledore shouted, knowing he had not strength comparing with the Avenger making Clint flied out.

“Expelliarmus!” Remus shouted when he saw an Aurors approaching them from behind with his wand.

But out of nowhere the Aurors along with the minister and Dumbledore fall on the ground as Peterio appear, “You don't see that coming...” he smirked seeing the shocked face.

“Show off.” Clint huffed as he was helped by Peterio.

The kid grinned widely.

At that moment Steve's shield came flying inside followed by Wanda and Vision, making the wizards even more shocked.

“How did... What is happening?” Cornelius Fudge stuttering.

“How come you guys are here?” Natasha said suprised.

“Suprised!” Peterio said grinned and hugged Clint, “We miss you guys.”

At that moment Tony and Bruce also entering the room followed by James with Little Peter in his arms, looking amused. With some paper in their hand.

“Guys, you will not believe... What are you guys doing on the floor?” Bruce asked frowning and looked up at Peterio, “This is your doing?”

“Can’t help. I'm just little exited to meet new people.”  he responded grinning which Clint scoffed and Bruce shaked his head.

Bruce extended his hand to help a nearby Aurors but a rope come flying out and wrapped him, making the files dropped.

“Oh! You shouldn't do that.” Tony said and quickly summoned his armour making the wizards eyes widened. He pushed the stunned James with little Peter in his arms toward Remus and Sirius which was equal stunned.

“Remus, bring James and Peter out of here.” Tony shouted waking everyone, “Pete buddy, you will protect your Papa, right?”

Little Peter nodded fast in James's arms, “I’ll Daddy. I'm a big boy, don't worry.”

“I’ll come with you guys.” Steve said and protectively shield the three young wizards while Remus pull out a handkerchief from his pocket which Peterio quickly run over to take a look dragging Clint who looked annoyed.

“They are not going anywhere!” Dumbledore said sternly and shot a spell them which Wanda shield easily.

“Steve, touch the handkerchief.” James said softly but it was Peterio who touched with Clint’s hand underneath his, curiously.

And the rope around Bruce started to break and his skin turned green and started to get bigger. He shot a spell which didn't seem to affect the green big guy. Hiding his shocked, he order the Aurors, “Aurors, captured them. Don't let them go anywhere.”

The aurors quickly followed while the minister shot a cutting spell at Wanda. She did shield it but get a little cut on her arm and dropped it backwards from the pain which she accidentally touched the handkerchief at the same time Steve touched. And they vanished from the room.

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