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a/n - you didn't think i'd leave y'all on a cliffhanger did y'all? ;) enjoy!

- mint



"Mother," Aemond gritted out, "I don't know what salacious lies you've heard but I can promise they're untrue."

"I trust those who told me of that girl's sin."

Aemond inhaled sharply, wrapping his hand around her bicep. Surely he could lie. He could tell her none of it was true. It would not be too great a sin, right? She had taken him by surprise with her accusations, but Aemond was able to steady himself quickly. He could fix this. He could fix this. Dipping his head, he stared his mother in the eye, and lowered his voice. "Mother, I swear that no such thing came to pass. Shaera and I" —lie, he had to lie, but surely some truth would help make it easier?— "have spent time with one another, but only as much as Helaena has with her. I simply attempted to make her feel welcome.

"She has her mother's ear the closest to her lips. By earning her favor, Helaena and I have helped mend relations. That was what you wished for, was it not? Aegon has even tried to connect with Jacaerys. We've only done as you asked." He tried to plea with her. He tried to tell her that he and Shaera could never do such a thing. That he would never fall to sin.

(Perhaps his greatest lie.)

"I swear, that is all," he stressed.

(Alicent's grip loosened just slightly as she met her son's pleading eye. He was begging that she believe him and a part of her wished to. It truly did. The scathing betrayal she felt when Larys told her of...of her son and that bastard...Alicent swore her heart had been cleaved in two. Her Aemond? Her darling son? Her blessed boy? With that wretch? That walking mockery of Alicent's troubles? The very first slight that Rhaenyra had committed?

She had believed Larys because he had not lied to her. She had believed him and stewed in the revelation for three days. She had suffered for three long days. She had bit her nails until they bled.

Aemond...he couldn't lie to her. No, no he wouldn't. But then why had Larys told her such a thing? Why would Shaera have drank the tea if not to stop a child from growing in her womb? Had Larys misheard the rumor? Had he only thought it to be Aemond? Had he mistaken her son for the Dornish prince? Shaera certainly looked close to him. Otto was certain they would be betrothed next.)

Aemond watched his mother's brows furrow and her eyes narrow. He felt her grip loosen. He watched her shoulders sink ever so slowly. He watched as she began to believe his lie—a sin if there ever was one and he would need to beg the Mother forgiveness. He would need to repent, but he would anyway. He would pray before he wed Shaera, and he would ask his own mother's forgiveness once the deed was done.

Was that not the easiest route? To beg forgiveness rather than asking permission?

"I...I'm sorry, Aemond," Alicent sighed, stroking her hands over his elbows. "Lord Larys had heard whispers that it was you and...and that girl."

"Lord Larys?" Aemond's grip tightened just slightly. "What was he saying?"

Alicent waved him off. "It matters not," she said. "He must have mistaken Prince Qoren Martell for you. I thought that since she had finished the tea it was a sure sign that you had—"

Tea? "What tea, mother?"

Tea. Tea. Tea.

Alicent pursed her lips. "I had moon tea brewed and sent to her chambers this morn."

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