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a/n - sorry for taking so long to update over here. we're heading onto chap 30 on the other site. I really struggled to keep GLBH up over here because a fairly popular creator here spoke poorly of one of my fic ideas on her conversation board, and copied a lot of my writing for her own aemond fic. I think things are settled now. I hope they are. Anyway, thank you all for the love and support. I'll update quite a few chaps today so y'all have something to read :)

some smut ahead hehe

- mint



"Do you..."

Rhaenyra bit her lip, rubbing her stomach. Running her hand in small circles always brought her peace. Comfort. Knowing that she and Daemon had created yet another life that would be so loved. So cherished. Rhaenyra inhaled sharply and leaned over the table, fingers drumming nervously.

"Do I what, sweet wife?" Daemon asked softly, coming up behind her, one hand supporting her stomach to grant her some relief. He rested his chin on her shoulder, humming a song she knew well-it was the same one he sang to their children.

Rhaenyra looked out the window, out at King's Landing, and she sighed. Did she ask him? Did she even give credence to what her half-brother had said? She had dismissed it in the moment, but it had eaten away at her the rest of the melee and then at dinner. Shaera had been at dinner, smiling and laughing with her siblings, teasing Jace and Baela for giving each other a kiss on their cheeks. Nothing seemed...different. And when Rhaenyra asked what her daughter-her firstborn-had done all day, Shaera had smiled and talked about her time with Viserys.

"I wrote a story for him," she admitted shyly. "And he was feeling better today, so I decided to read it to him!"

Daemon had pinched her cheek and cooed that she was such a lovely girl, and she had only swatted his hand away with more laughter. It had quelled Rhaenyra's nerves slightly, and when she saw that her eldest son shared a similar relief-subtle only by the relaxing of his jaw-she thought there was nothing to fear. That she was simply overthinking. Her own past threatened to tangle with her daughter's present, imprinting an impression she knew couldn't possibly be there.

Shaera was just like her, but...not like that. Not her Shaera.

"You're quiet," Daemon noted.

"Merely thinking," Rhaenyra whispered, giving his calloused hand a squeeze. She turned in his arms and cupped his cheek. "It seems all I can do here is think."

"Mmm. Such is the life of a dragon when surrounded by vipers."

She nodded and he pressed their foreheads together, continuing to hum his song.

"I think it best if we return home soon," she admitted.

Home. Dragonstone.

Where her children were safe. Where they would not face cruel words and whispers. Where they could all be happy in peace, not having to constantly wonder what the Hightowers were plotting. Not having to constantly face blatant disrespect of their family in the form of green banners and a seven-pointed star.

Where dragons were warm, welcome, and could thrive.

"We will. We'll need to return here one day anyway. Best we indulge in our home whilst we still can."

Rhaenyra smiled at that, cupping Daemon's cheek and reveling in the feel of him. In the feel of her twin flame. Of her lover.

"Jace and Baela want for a Valyrian wedding when we return," she reminded him.

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