Ch. 1

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Hello! It's been a minute since I have done this, so bare with me here. This is pure imagination, so I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave ideas for chapters or advice. I need it. Ok, have fun <3! oh, I also don't know what a set medic does I'm just pulling shit out of my ass atp.


Ashley pov-

            It's my first day being the set medic for the second movie of Allegiant, I can already tell that I will be overwhelmed with injuries, but at least the pay is good! I walk into the building getting ready for the first day of shooting usually, I just sit down and wait till someone is injured. I'm either on my phone or watching everything happen. As I was getting my little medical area ready, some of the actors said hello and introduced them to me. I knew all of them, and I was fangirling on the inside, but I had to keep calm otherwise I think I would get fired. The last person who came up to me, was probably the hottest one here, Theo James. 

            "Hello, just wanted to introduce myself to you, my name is Theo James." His British accent was so hot. "Yes, hello! My name is Ashley Hutchens." I'd reply. As we were talking, my ears blocked out every noise, besides Theo's. We found out cool things about each other and found some things in common. Theo has always been your celeb crush but he doesn't need to know that. Once the first day ended, the cast decided to hit the bar before heading back to the hotel. I was packing up my stuff when Theo came up. "Ah, Ashley! The cast and I are heading to the bar, come with?" "Oh no, I wouldn't want to bother you guys." I don't want to ruin the cast's night. "Oh nonsense you wouldn't bother us! Just come with us, and if you don't like I'll drive you back to the hotel." I'd sigh in defeat. "Alright then." 

             I'd pick up my bag, to see him smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back while we walked to his car. We pulled up to the bar, seeing the cast waiting outside for us. Once Shailene saw Theo and I, she waved us over. "Hey Ashley, so great to see you tagged along with us! Let's head inside." She'd say happily. I smiled while we all headed inside. We sat at a table reserved for us. I wasn't the best at public places, which is weird since I work in Hollywood. I ordered a dirty martini, I never had a good alcohol tolerance. After the martini and a beer, I was drunk. Suddenly my social anxiety went away, and soon enough I was talking with everyone. Soon the night came to an end. I was a few shots in when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ashley, I think we should head back to the hotel." I pouted, and he laughed, taking my hand so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. We got into the car and headed to the hotel. 

            He wasn't as drunk since he knew his limit. He got out and opened the door for me. I smiled while getting out. While we were walking I tripped, Theo was quick to hold me before I fell completely. "Woah there Ash you good?" He said while I laughed while straightening myself, Theo joined in shortly. We stayed on the same floor just two doors away from each other. He took me to my room first being the gentleman he is. He made sure I went inside my room safe and sound. "Bye bye." I'd slur out. He'd laugh, "Goodnight Ashley." Oh, how hot my name sounds coming out of his mouth. Once I closed the door, I walked to my bed and screamed.



This chapter has been a bit short but I hope you liked it pls let me know what you want to happen in the future. I have a few ideas. c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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