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This story's chapters are probably going to be completely different lengths.

Enjoy the chaos :)

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After Akainu murdered Ace, Garp was going to kill him. He was furious. He had given over to his emotions and wasn't going to hesitate in what he was going to do. Sengoku stopped him though and, in the end, Garp was unable to do anything to save his two grandsons.

Whitebeard had made it through the Paramount War... barely. He was severely injured and Marco struggled to fully heal him. In the end he managed to pulled through, but he had months of recovery ahead of him.

After the war, Luffy disappeared, leaving Garp to mourn the death of Ace alone. It had impacted him greatly and he felt as though he had a hole in his heart. He needed someone to mourn with, someone to show love to since he had lost so many people he cared about.


A few months later the Whitebeard pirates and the marines were in another fight. On both sides the men were firing away at one another. Marco could be seen as a flying blue streak picking up and throwing people across the battlefield.

While their men were fighting Whitebeard and Garp were facing each other. The fight was intense with neither side giving ground. Garp would swing a punch and Whitebeard would counter by blocking with his spear then attempting to stab him.

Garp threw another punch. He lunged off the ground aiming to hit Whitebeard in the face. He planned for Whitebeard to block with his spear so he was preparing a backup plan. What he did not expect was for Whitebeard to duck.

For mere seconds their faces came close together as his fist missed its target. He was then blasted straight into the air by one of Whitebeards shock waves. He was stunned for a moment but soon recovered. Using the velocity that he gained while falling he went to land another hit. Whitebeard barely moved out of the way and the ground next to him shattered due to the impact from Garp's fist.

Both knew a hit like that would have left some damage. Whitebeard was glad that it didn't make contact while Garp was infuriated he missed again.

The battle continued on for awhile longer. In the end the Whitebeard pirates had won. They made their get away from the marines before they could recover.

Garp was left to think about the battle. They not only lost but had let the Whitebeard pirates get away. Not only that but they had no idea where they were going. The strangest part of it though, was that Garp couldn't stop thinking about his fight with Whitebeard. Specifically how close their faces had gotten in the fight. He hadn't been that close to anyone in a very long time. He couldn't quite place why he couldn't get his mind off of this. Especially since he had much more important things to be focussing on.


The marines had been hunting down the Whitebeard Pirates mercilessly. Some were beginning to wonder why they were going after them so persistently. They had almost no lead as to where the pirates were, nor had they discovered any type of plan the pirates had come up with. It just didn't make sense.

What none of them had considered was that their vice admiral, Garp, had become obsessed with Whitebeard himself. Since their last battle Garp had not been able to get the pirate captain out of his mind. He wanted to find him. He had figured out what it was that was leading him to this obsession. Even as an old man Garp had developed a crush on Whitebeard. Because of this realization he vowed to himself that he was going to confront Whitebeard again. But this time, he wanted to do more than fight.

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This isn't going to be a super long story.

Hope it wasn't too terrible.

(708 words)

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