"Lord Beerus has taken a liking to your cooking, you know," Whis remarked, a playful tone in his voice. "He's quite infatuated with the way you prepare his meals. Although, I do hope he doesn't become as obsessed with food as his brother."

You blinked, tilting your head in confusion. "Beerus has a brother?"

Whis nodded, a smile gracing his lips. "Indeed, he does. His name is Lord Champa, and he presides over Universe 6. Interestingly enough, my sister Vados serves as his attendant."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's quite fascinating. Do they have a similar dynamic to yours and Vados' relationship?"

Whis let out a light-hearted giggle. "Oh, not at all! They are constantly at odds with each other, always competing and trying to outdo one another. It's quite the spectacle, I must say."

The revelation of Beerus having a brother and the contrasting relationship between the two siblings brought a sense of intrigue and curiosity to your mind. It was a welcome distraction from the weight of your own personal grief, allowing you to momentarily immerse yourself in the fascinating dynamics of the divine beings that surrounded you.

Upon arriving on Earth, you exchanged brief greetings with the others, careful not to reveal the extent of your energy, a fact that intrigued Whis, considering your considerable power.

As you reunited with the Son family, you found yourself enveloped in a tight bear hug, not only from Goten and Gohan, but also from Turles, who took the opportunity to push boundaries with his wandering hands. You swiftly swatted his advances away, scolding him with a playful yet firm tone. "Turles!"

Turles huffed, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he looked down at you. "I think I deserve some extra sympathy from you."

You huffed back, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you pressed a finger against his chiseled chest. "If you don't find yourself a real girlfriend soon, I might just have to make a wish for one on your behalf."

Turles grumbled in irritation at the thought, his tail swaying behind him. "I'll just end up dumping her anyway."

Whis observed the exchange, his curiosity piqued by the dynamics between you and the other Saiyans. While Bardock held the role of maintaining order as the eldest, it was evident that you held a unique position as the last female Saiyan, exerting your influence in your own way.

However, when Whis caught sight of your aunt Calalo, he felt an inexplicable pull towards her. Yet, he knew better than to act on his feelings, understanding the importance of maintaining boundaries and respecting the relationships that already existed.

Whis quickly recognized the need to maintain a respectful distance, especially when he noticed the way Bardock's gaze lingered on him. It was clear that Calalo was off-limits, and Whis made sure to offer only polite greetings to her in Bardock's presence.

As you and Calalo shared a warm embrace, you informed Whis that you would be back within an hour, or possibly three if you were allowed to prepare some delicious food to bring back. Whis happily agreed, wasting no time in making his way to Bulma's location.

Meanwhile, you and Calalo took the opportunity to honor your uncle's memory. A small shrine had been set up in his honor, providing a sacred space where you could sit and reflect whenever the need arose. In the past, the pain had been too overwhelming, preventing you from fully embracing the memories you shared with him. However, now you were ready to confront the hurt, choosing to focus on the cherished moments rather than dwelling on the negative.

Goten, Gohan, and Bardock each offered their own heartfelt thanks in your uncle's memory, paying their respects in their own unique ways. Turles, though he may not have fully understood the significance, showed a respectful demeanor, recognizing the importance of honoring the departed.

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