Chapter Eighteen

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When they landed on Coruscant, a lot of Jedies were waiting for them. Eventually, all the younglings were taken out of the deck one by one. Aeris was the last one to go out of the ship.

Mace Windu was there, waiting for her. He nodded in her direction before turning back, silently telling her to follow him. They move past several common areas of the temple. Classes, gardens, quarters, and empty rooms before stumbling across a huge training room.

Windu: Go stand in the center.

Aeris: Yes Master.

Aeris went to stand in the center of the room, facing Master Windu. She was confused about what this was all about. She stood there for a few seconds, watching Master Windu going back and forth in the room. After five minutes, lots of small droids came flying around Aeris. She was confused but still took a defensive stance.

Aeris: Master ? What's going on ?

Windu: I know you Aeris. But to Become my padawan, you'll still have to prove yourself. You tend to focus only on combats and not always on your surroundings just a year ago. Show me that you improved. Patience yields focus.

Aeris: Yes Master.

Aeris took her lightsaber and closed her eyes. She let the force go through her body and toward her surrounding, feeling each droid, object, and being that were in the room.

When the first droid shot, she easily deflected it. the second one was aiming at an object in the room but she deflected it too. It went like this for a while. Aeris deflected shots after shots, protecting the objects of the room and being careful not to be hit. Some shots were close to hurting her but she managed to dodge them at the last second. After at least half an hour, Windu stopped the droids.

Windu: I think it's enough. I've seen what I wanted to see. You've made great progress in the past year Aeris. I'm proud of you and so is the council.

Aeris came to stand in front of Master Windu

Windu: I'm proud to officially have you as my Padawan. Congratulations on passing the gathering Aeris.

Aeris: Thank you, Master.

The young 7 and a half girl stood in front of her new Master, grinning like crazy. Windu made her sit while he braided the upper left side of her hair to form her Padawan braid, the element showing her new rank to the rest of the Jedi.

Anakin entered the room followed by Obi-Wan. Aeris immediately went to him and hugged him tight. He gently kissed her forehead.

Aeris: I'm proud of you Angel.

Aeris: Thank you Ani.

The two children smiled at each other and started talking about anything and everything. The two masters looked at them, smiling softly at the still innocent children. They were hoping that they'll stay like this but they knew that it will be difficult for them regarding the destiny they were given.

Obi-Wan: Should we wait before telling them ?

Windu: I don't think so. They're concerned by it so I feel like they have a right to know.

Obi-Wan: Still feel like 10 and 7 is too young for such a big issue. But I agree with you.

They both nodded to each other and approached their Padawans.

Obi-Wan: Anakin. Aeris.

They both turned towards the Masters.

Windu: It's time for you to learn about it.

Anakin: It ?

Windu looked at Aeris and Anakin in the eyes.

Windu: The Chosen One and the Heir's prophecy...

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