Chapter Eleven

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The planet was beautiful. It was covered in plants and trees and there was so much light despite the high foliage that covered the sky.

Aeris had a strange feeling. Somehow, she felt drawn to that planet. It was like a connection, an unbreakable link that made her connection to the force stronger.

After a while, she stepped out of her daze and turned back to the sip. One of the engines was damaged and the communication devices seemed to have suffered from the hit and the shaken-up passaged in hyperspace. It will take time to repair them. She'll have to stay here for 3 to 4 weeks if it all goes well.

She did a tour of the planet to seek food and water. She took it back to the ship and started to work with the tools at her disposition. She started with the engine as she'll need a way to escape if anything goes wrong.

Aeris spent a total of two weeks just to fix the engine. The days were short on the planet and being alone and outside at night wasn't a good idea. In the evenings, she would try to decipher what was written in the notebook. Yaddle used a secret code to make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. It took her a lot of time to even understand the code she used but once she got it, a day was enough to decipher the message.

At first, she was confused. The whole message dealt with "The Chosen One" being linked to "The Heir of the Force". It kind of looked like a prophecy from Aeris' point of view. It said:

"A time will come for the force to rise,

To protect, we shall, the future's mind.

The heir and the chosen one shall bring balance

For the force to reunite with itself once again.

The heir, descendant of both sides,

Will help the chosen one defeat those who are blind

Blinded by one side, ignoring the other,

Their link will keep the galaxies together."

Just below this message, there was a single sentence: It's happening ...

Aeris didn't know what it was about exactly, but she had already heard some Jedis in the temple mentioning "The Chosen One" and "The Heir" but she never thought that it was really important. Seeing this prophecy made her heartbeat quicker. She felt the force telling her that she was linked to it. She didn't know how or why; she could just feel it ...

The Heir of the Force (Book 1)- Anakin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now