Chapter Seven

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Master Yoda and Master Windu, along with the members of the council, decided that the forest moon of Endor would be the best planet for Aeris's training. They arrived the day before and installed their "camp" for the next two years. Once the next day started, the training began. At first, it was only basic skills that were tested. This itself took a month of fighting with sticks against both masters, going through the 7 forms and all their specificities. Theory and practice were both reviewed and done again and again. Then came the spirit reinforcement to not be controlled by other force users. Aeris had to stop intrusion attempts all the while fighting against the Masters one after the other. At first, it felt extremely weird. This constant presence of the force made her lose her focus more than once. When she focused on her mind, her guard stance was down whereas, when she focused on her guards, her mental walls were down. This kept going for a week until she found it. HER balance. Little by little, she managed to balance her focus between the two. She worked for days, weeks, and even months until it only felt natural for her to do so.

The day she mastered this art, she felt at peace. She was facing Master Windu, this duel had been going on forever. At one point, Mace Windu charged her when she was on her knees, both physically and mentally. But she stood up as fast as she could and blocked both attacks using all the strength she had left.

She raised her head and looked at both Masters. They were smiling. But not just a little smile, it was a huge grin. Seeing Master Windu smiling like that was really strange. Mace Windu was aware of the unusual sight for the little girl, but he couldn't help it. The girl was six, and it only took her four months to learn it while it took years for other jedis.

The training continued. Yoda made her meditate hours after hours, days after days in order to strengthen her connection to the force before they started training in the use of the force.

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will also be short but this will be it. Enjoy ;)

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