"I- thanks man, that means a lot." Buck smiled at him a ridiculously bright smile for how little Eddie had actually done.

It's not like he'd be actually talking to his new therapist, some guy named Frank, either.

Hen cleared her throat, and Buck glanced over guiltily, clearly having been caught at avoiding her question. He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. I have no problem with anyone who is here knowing about this." Buck said, "Now, who wants to tell me what happened. Let's see if you got it right."

Eddie hadn't realized that whatever the deal with the therapist was had become some sort of group mystery game they were trying to beat. Still though, he hoped that they were right since he was very curious to know what the deal was.

They all looked nervous though, glancing around at each other like they were daring someone to say something. It put a bit of a pit in Eddie's gut, like maybe whatever he was about to hear wouldn't be something he'd like.

It was Maddie, who ended up being the one to start talking, with a soft and sad look in her eyes.

"We were out at a bar tonight for our girls night-" she started before Buck cut her off.

"Chim was at girls night?" He asked, though Eddie thought he might be grasping at straws for a distraction.

The pit in Eddie's stomach grew.

"Yes I was!" Chim stated, "As I should be!"

"Not the point." Hen waved him off, "The point is we were at the bar and Dr. Wells was there too. She was with some bridal party along with some girl who was clearly her best friend."

"Camilla." Karen adds in helpfully.

"Right, Camilla was Dr. Well's best friend, and she was also visibly gay, so we sent Karen over to flirt for information." Hen explained.

"You sent your wife over to flirt with another woman?" Eddie couldn't help but question.

"It was for information on a case we were working on." Hen shrugged, like that was obvious.

"Ok then." Eddie said, he definitely couldn't imagine doing that with someone he was married to, he didn't even like seeing Buck flirt with anyone else and the only claim he had to him was as a best friend.

"Anyways, Karen flirted with her for information, and it worked." Hen continued, "So now we know what happened."

Buck nodded, looking between the group, clearly waiting, when no one spoke up he prompted them with a, "So what happened?"

Eddie kept his eyes on Buck, though he could see the others shifting around nervously in his peripheral vision. Buck's face was carefully blank, neutral in a way that Eddie hadn't known it could be. He'd seen Buck keep his expression clear before, act calm and collected on a scene that demanded any sort of reaction. This was different though.

"She- well there's no easy way to say this," Hen sighed, looking at Buck like her heart was breaking, "She raped you."


"Ok, that's a bit extreme." Buck said, rocking back on his heels like the words had made him want to stumble backwards.

What the fuck.

"Buck, I don't know what else to call what that woman was saying." Karen said softly, "but if you think that's wrong, then I think we all want to hear your side of it. Quite frankly this feels like something we should've heard from you in the first place."

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