Episode 3 - Ops. Ember Sea, Blue Danger Zone.

Start from the beginning

Moving him will only make it worse, all I could do was stay by his side, trying to ease his pain and offer him whatever comfort I could…

"Hey… what's your name, bro…?"

Silent was the only reply he gave me…

He's gone…

My heart went hollow as I could only stand up and let reality hit me like a ton of brisk.

My eyes brimming with tears. With each passing second, the reality of the situation sinks deeper into my mind, casting an ever-darker shadow over my thoughts…

The sight surrounding me, the deafening silence, the palpable sense of loss, the sheer weight of it all, feels like an insurmountable burden to bear. The pain and grief are overwhelming, and I can't help but feel a sense of helplessness. My eyes grow heavy as I once again collapse on my knees, unable to hold back the tears any longer…

I sit on the hard ground behind a large metal gate, without any sense of time…

I know I should follow my training and find the other, but I can't help but be trembling with fear, burying my head in my knees like a scared kid trying to hide from the realities outside of his room. The thought of facing the unknown outside overwhelms me, and all I can do is shut my eyes tight and block out the noise.

I know I'm supposed to be a sailor or soldier in general, a protector, yet here I am, hiding like a coward from the horrors of war. But the feeling of terror is too much to bear. The realization that my body is freezing and going numb sends a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but want to hide from this nightmare outside this gate.

I wish it was just a nightmare and I will wake up late with the Sergeant yelling at me like usual. But it's not, it is a nightmare come true and I'll never wake up from it….

My uniform was once so neat and organized an hour ago, but now it's stained with blood and rips.

At that moment, it finally clicked in my mind that this is what war really is. I always knew it was dangerous and life-threatening. But I never truly understood the extent of that danger until I found myself in the aftermath of a battlefield…

I try to blank them out, the death and the destruction. The smell of burning metal and rotting flesh is thick in the air. I am overwhelmed by the weight and magnitude of it all. It's all too much for me to process…

As I lie there, lost in my own thoughts and fears, I long for someone to drag me out of the darkness I have submerged myself in.

*Thud thud thud thud thud…*


As the darkness seems to close in on me, I hear a barely audible noise that catches my attention. It's the faint sound of footsteps slowly approaching me, one thud at a time.

I lift my head to look at the source of the sound, hoping it's a friend or savior coming to drag me out of this hole I've dug myself into. But as I peer into the dark corner of the room, I can't make out much except for a shadowy figure slowly closing in.

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