Chapter 4: "My Happiness is in this World"

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A sniff can be heard in the dining room of the Sullivan household, a grandfather who misses his grandchild sitting by his side along with the butler currently wiping the tears of their master who always blissfully watches their young master happily eating the food they made. The mansion which is usually a warm and cozy home and a haven for the child has been gloomy for a couple of days now.

"Wwaaaaahhhh.... I miss Iruma-kun, I want to see him already but I can't." Sullivan said as he is sobbing nonstop unable to even the food in front of him. "Please don't worry principal, I'm pretty sure Iruma-sama will go out of his room soon, now will you please eat your dinner," Opera said nonchalantly trying to calm Sullivan down though they to is gloomy for not seeing his young master in a while.

Suddenly the door opens which caught the attention of Sullivan and Opera hoping that the one behind the door is who their wishing it to be. As the door completely opens, a child with blue hair and a scythe-like antenna of hair on top emerges with glee. The child runs towards his caretakers and hugs them tightly as his tears start flowing down his face filling him with joy as the two return the embrace as well.

"IRUMA-KUUUUUUNN!!... I'm so thankful that have finally come out of your room" Sullivan said weepingly at Iruma's shoulders. "I'm glad that you already come out of your room Iruma-sama, that's an improvement we should celebrate," Opera said nonchalantly though when you pay a little more attention, they are extremely happy by how their ears twitch for quite sometimes, tails wagging behind his back and their eyes soften their gaze to the young teen.

"Yes indeed, we should celebrate this improvement, Opera, prepare the feast right away!" Sullivan said as his mood changed and so its size like an egg and excitingly jump around Iruma. "Right away sir!" Opera replies as he rushes towards the kitchen and cooks more food for Iruma to eat.

Iruma did nothing but smile and chuckle at their antics though this helps him more at ease that no matter who he was to be, they will be there for him though he can't help but wonder what his soulmates, classmates, and others might think if he said it to them but just shove that thought away and just let his future self, decide what to do when the times comes.

-after Iruma finishes eating-

"Thank you for the food, Opera-san, and you too, Grandpa," Iruma said happily after eating Opera's homemade delicious food while it is still hot since he only eats half of the serving on one plate and cold as well since he didn't pick the food up quickly at the door during his time at his room. Iruma then looks at his grandfather who looks serious then realized that his grandfather might be thinking or wanting to ask him about the situation in which Iruma calms himself first before speaking.

"Grandpa, is there anything you want to say? you look serious." Iruma asks his grandfather as a way to start the heavy conversation. "oh, um, well, Iruma... is it okay if we talk about the situation or to at least let me ask a few questions, I know for a fact that you just recently walk out of your room and that you still need time but I assure you, that after my questions, you can ask me questions as well, whatever it might be and if ever you have requests, I'll approve them even if one of them is leaving you be, also please tell me if your feeling uncomfortable of the situation, I'll just postpone the time for this situation." Sullivan said worryingly with a hint of sadness that it is also uncomfortable to talk about this but it must be said now than later.

"It's all right Grandpa, you can ask right away since I also have questions to ask you," Iruma said with a voice that has authority and demand which reminds him of the former or should I say missing demon king when something serious or problem that needs his actual need in the matter while Opera was reminded of those in the Demon Border Control when they are interrogating people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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