Shinso took his scarf and used to to grab another boulder and threw it to join the shower of projectiles that Uraraka sent plummeting onto All For One.

Endeavour's flames engulfed the boulders and set them on fire.

They crashed into All For One but he quickly emerged.

Midoriya and Bakugou were there, waiting for him.

The moment he revealed himself from the rubble, Midoriya's fist pummeled his face and he was sent flying. 

Bakugou was just above where he ended up, held up by Midoriya's Black Whip. 

Howitzer Impact: Clutzer.

A blinding light came from his palm and shot to All For One.

Midoriya pulled him back as the deafening sound of explosions along with a tremendous quake surrounded the villain.

"Five minutes!' Midnight called.

The Symbol of Peace.

The Symbol of Evil.

It's a fight that's lasted decades, perhaps centuries.

It ends, Midoriya thought. In the next five minutes, it ends.

The seven wisps surrounding him were no longer like smoke, but raging white flames.

He flew into the air and sped to All For One, whose clothes were singed and his skin was bleeding and scarred.

Midoriya raised both fists in the air and pummeled into All For One's torso, feeling the cracking of All For One's ribs under his fists.

All For One jumped to his feet, painfully, and moved back.

None of his quirks obeyed him - every time he tried to activate any of them, it came out disappointing, as if he were a child that just learned what his quirk was.

Midoriya's quirks, however, were perfectly at his command.

"Four minutes!" Nagant reminded loudly.

No one dared get in Midoriya's way.

He was holding the feelings of seven people before him.

Seven plans of vengeance.

He had his friends' cries echoing in his ears like a bad dream.

Aoyama's cries of guilt. Someone chained to their mistakes, believing that he could never break free and grab his friends' hand.

Your tears of pain. The belief that you were meant to always be alone pounding at your mind without anyone knowing, with fear that if you were to try and go against it, someone would get hurt. Pure anger at the blood that coursed through your veins. Everything was taken and nothing could be given back.

Nothing would ever be taken by this cruel excuse for a human being again.

He picked up a boulder as if it were a football and kicked it, sending it zooming towards All For One and destroying it against his body.

"Damn it!" Nagant exclaimed, lifting her arm to reveal her rifle again. "Nomus incoming!"

An army of nomus approached, called by their master's defeat coming near.

Endeavour and Best Jeanist ran over to assist.

Bakugou looked at you and clicked his tongue. "Three minutes!" 

Midoriya sped forward and grabbed All For One's arm, flipping him over and slamming him to the ground.

All For One began raising his hand to grab Midoriya, but Uraraka's voice screamed, "Release!" and a boulder planted itself on top of his arm.

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