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"Young Y/N, where are you headed?"

You paused to turn your head to All Might. "I need to say something to Principal Nezu. Is he still in the building?"

"Uh, yeah, he is."

You bowed your head and began walking towards the school, pushing open the doors and making your way to Principal Nezu's office. You didn't want to report something like this, but it was how it had to be.

You didn't tell Shigaraki about the camp. So now it was confirmed: someone was the traitor, and it sure wasn't you.

"Principal Nezu." You said, knocking on his door softly.

"Come in!"

You slowly opened the door and walked inside. Principal Nezu patted the area in front of him and you sat down. "So, what did you need to talk to me about?"

"The traitor."

His normally bright face with a reoccurring smile normally plastered on it faded away, his beady eyes going dark as his smile disappeared. "The traitor? Do you have an idea on who it could be?"

"It's someone in my class."

His eyes were filled with pity and he sat up straight. "I can see how difficult it is for you to say that. It's not obvious, but you do care about your class, no?"

You nodded. "Indeed. However, this school was my home before my class. If I must, I will protect it."

Principal Nezu sighed. "You don't need to put so much on your shoulders, Y/N. You may be at least three years ahead of the rest of your class, but at the end of the day, you're still a 16 year old girl."

Your eyes flickered to the ground. "I know it isn't these people." You slid a piece of paper across his desk. "Have a goodnight, sir."

As you walked out of the room, Principal Nezu unfolded the paper you gave him and saw that is was an attendance list that you were provided to know the names of your classmates. Certain names were crossed out, while others were highlighted.

He smiled and folded the paper once more, placing it in his drawer.


"Welcome back to your normal classes." Aizawa said.

You tapped your pencil on your chin, your eyes fixated on the board as different things were scribbled upon it: English, math, Japanese, everything.

But all you were thinking about was the traitor.

You weren't really all that familiar with the different "vibes" each of your classmates gave off. But you knew the one you felt the night before was one of your classmates. You felt their energy right at that moment.

But at the same time, you felt like you shouldn't have the right to say anything. You fought All Might. You were betraying UA from the first day. Was it really your place?


You looked up and met eyes with Kirishima. "We're headed to the mall later. Wanna hang?" You shook your head. "I... must attend to some matters."

"Aw man. Well, I guess that can't be helped."


"What are you working on?" Shouto came up behind you in the common room, noticing the multiple sheets of paper spread across the table.

"I'm signing a few things. I have to pay for damage, collateral injuries, and..." You slipped a paper underneath the rest. "That's about it."

He pulled out the paper that you hid and scanned it with his eyes. "What's this?"

"It's just..."

"Are you really thinking about quitting UA?" You looked down in your lap. "It was just a thought. I'm already a pro hero, so it wouldn't be a big deal."

"Why don't you stay a little longer?" He ripped the paper and tossed it on the table. "The people that attend here will give you a reason to stay. Trust me."

You watched him walk away and turned back to the ripped paper. It was too ripped for it to be taped together and used, so you tossed it in the trash. "A reason to stay? I'd like to see it for myself."

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