The UA Traitor

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"Damn it." You muttered as a small rock fell on top of your head.

Shouto picked out pebbles from your hair. "This doesn't seem to be getting much easier. You're really good in battle, though."

"I'm focused in battle." You blew your hair out of your face. "I think I walked into four doors when I first got to France."

Shouto tried to imagine you doing such a comical thing, but failed to do so without it accidentally turning into Kaminari in his head.

You slid your mug of coffee towards you and sipped, the chill tickling your spine disappearing. "Aspirin."

He handed you the container and you swallowed before tossing up the small rock again and making it hover in front of you.

"Y/N, why don't you take a break?"

"Why? It seems counterproductive."

He blinked. "You seem very close to Ashido and Kaminari, yet..."

"That seems backhanded." You stopped, hearing a knock at Shouto's door. He got up and answered, greeted with a Yaoyorozu with her brows knit together in concern. "Good morning, Todoroki. Um, Y/N..."


"do you know someone named Aster?"

You jumped up. "Yes. Is he here?"

"Well, Aizawa-sensei said that he knew his father, so—"

You rushed passed Yaoyorozu and Shouto and towards the common room.

Aster saw you run in and his face lit up, brighter than it normally was. While you weren't quite a hugger, he certainly was; he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up like he hadn't seen you in years.

Shouto and Yaoyorozu arrived in the common room and he stopped.

"Y/N," He whispered to you. "qui est l'homme loin d'une fille?"

"Shouto. Pourquoi?"

"Shouto?! Sérieux? Tais toi... Je comprends maintenant, il est majestueux."

Shouto blinked and looked at Yaoyorozu. "I feel like I heard my name in that conversation."

"I don't know any French, so I can't say."

You elbowed Aster, telling him that he was making Shouto uncomfortable, and switched to Japanese. "Where's Justin?"

"He went to check us into a hotel."

You cleared your throat. "Guys, this is Aster. He's my mentor's son."

Mina grumbled. "How do you always get to hang out with a bunch of hot guys?"

"How do you determine whether or not a person is... 'hot?'"

Aster sighed, placing his hand on your shoulder. "We taught you social queues, now you need to learn basic slang." He pointed at Shouto. "That? Hot." Then at Mineta. "That? Not hot."

"I know what it means but in what way do I often hang out with 'hot guys'? I've hung out with Monoma."

A few groans followed that statement.

You changed the topic quickly and asked, "What took you so long to get here?"

"Something was up with the route we took. Apparently a hero was in a battle midair."

You hummed. "Around our borders? We seem too occupied on land to begin fighting villains over the ocean."

"I don't know, but I heard the hero lost."

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