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You flew through the air, trying to find the collection of smoke, up until the wind started blowing in your face, as if telling you to turn around.

When you did, you saw a man with white feathered wings flying towards you at great speed.

You ducked down as he tried to slice at you with a knife and the cuffs around you wrists bulleted towards him.

He dodged then skillfully and threw two throwing knives from his belt.

One nicked your cheek and the other missed you.

Your arm outstretched and wind sent him thrashing in the air.

You landed on the ground and created a dome above you. The ends of blades came stabbing through and you made the dome burst, rocks sending him flying back.

"How annoying," you muttered, pulling your fallen hood over your head again.

"Where you headed, little Y/N? Off to papa?"

You furrowed your brow, his tone and voice far too familiar for you to let go of. "Who are you?"

His brows raised for a moment before he started laughing, and that's when it was pinpointed in your memory.

"You... you were at the funeral."

"So she finally bit the dust, huh?"

"You were in the back..." your hand placed itself over your quickening heart. "...laughing."

Your eyes' glow flickered like a light losing power and you shook your head. Don't. Lose. Focus.

He flew towards you and you swung your fist. A gust of wind put him back in his original spot.

You continued getting closer, repeatedly doing that motion. It had little effect, but you wanted his face to lose its smile. Just like yours did.

The earth quaked with every step and the air began playing with him like a paper in the wind.

He was juggled around until it came to a continuous spin. Dust and pebbles were lifted and a small tornado appeared in front of you.

But you were planted in the ground.

You felt a rumble beneath your feet and you paused. The tornado abruptly disappeared and he plummeted to the ground.

You glanced in the direction the rumble came from and Gigantomachia came running towards you with Shinso and Spinner on his back.

"Stop," Shinso ordered.

When Gigantomachia came to a halt, Shinso jumped down and looked at the passed out man. "Who's that?"

"An inconvenience." Another swirl of wind blew him up onto Gigantomachia's back. "Bring him back as well."

"You okay?"

"Quit asking that."

"I never asked that."

You combed a hand through your hair and sighed. "Sorry. Could you... please bring him and Spinner back? I need to find Kurogiri still."

"I was gonna do that anyway, but you didn't answer my question."

Eyes scanning him up and down, you shook your head and pulled your hood over your face. "You and Aizawa really are turning into each other. I'm fine... thanks."

He watched you fly off and shook his head, climbing back onto Gigantomachia's back. How did I turn into the police again?

You flew off, trying to block out every reoccurring memory in your head. He's trying to distract me, he's trying to distract me.

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