Chapter 11: Jealousy and Decisions...

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "The same Mutants i have met back in Bay City. The Russkies created a spore that turns humans into... those freaks. As if Humans weren't ugly enough already."

T: "How do you know that?"

Z: "Well... our newest 'contact' is ex KGB. She knows a few things about those freaks we can use."

Tak and Millie crossed their arms and looked at their bondmates.

Mi: "Oh?... that Natalya you mentioned?"

Y/N: "Yeah... kinda good at what she's doing... but not as good as us."

Tak stepped forward, Millie did the same.

Mi: "And you know what? Since she's not here means she got propably mauled to death by those things. Why dont we go back into our ships and fly all the way back to the Homeb-"

A sexy female voice interrupted her with a call.

"Spaceman! Over here!"

The group looked over to Natalya who was walking towards them.

Tak and Millie instantly hugged their bondmates and glared at her.

Y/N: "Natalya... i take it that you killed those muties in Soho?"

N: "Da. Who are your friends?"

Y/N: "The little Death Star hugging me is my Bondmate, Tak. The one hugging Zim is Millie, his Bondmate."

N: "Priviet."

Tak and Millie: "Growling!!"(Translation: keep your hands off of them, Human slut!)

...seems like overprotective behavior runs in this group...

N: "I got news. Good ones at that. But... also with a slight issue."

Y/N: "And that is?"

N: "I managed to arrange a meeting with a contact of mine, Sergei. He says he has vital information for me. Unfortunately, he fears they may be on to him, so he and i can't be seen together."

Z: "And we should care because...?"

N: "I'm not exactly KGB employee of the month, guys. They well have a hit squad out there looking for me. Before i make contact with Sergei anyone on my tail must be shaken... or eliminated."

Y/N: "For real?"

N: "Da. Also... maybe get a disguise for that one."

Y/N: "Okay hold the phone for just a sec..."

Tak's gonna enjoy this... she loves it when he gets angry at those human monkeys...

Y/N: "The things i've learned is that the KGB isn't really subtle. And this aint Russia! You think Ponsy will just ignore a damn slaughter on his streets?"

N: "To be honest. Reginald got a price on my head for years. He doesn't shy away from any national or international Secret Service shuffle."

It clicked.

Y/N: "...Reginald... wait... does that mean BOTH sides are trying to kill us?"

N: "Da. Pretty much."

Y/N: "You got to be kidding..."

N: "Come on, Y/N. It will be fun... besides... how often does a girl invite you two boys on a date to destroy some humans..."

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now