Chapter 27: Spirited Fists

Start from the beginning

The spirit warrior may have blocked it, but the impact of Heihachi's attack pushed him a little further.

"Let's do this." Heihachi said while doing his fighting stance.

"I'm impressed... Mishima." Kai compliments while pulling back his blade.

"It pains me to say that you don't stand a chance. But... give me everything you got."

"Come on..." Heihachi demands befor Kai dashes again.

With Heihachi looking at Kai spinning his blade rapidly, Kai aims his blade at Heihachi who deflected it with his wrist. Kai lands his kick at Heihachi who steps aside to dodge it, as the two gave each other punches and kicks, trying to counter one another.

Kai sweeps his leg from the bottom, making Heihachi lose his balance as the spirit warrior rams his horn at Heihachi away from him. Heihachi lands on the floor, but managed to keep his feet on the ground as Kai galloped towards the Mishima fighter.

"I'll snap you like a twig!" Heihachi said while raising his leg and fist preparing for his attack.

Kai jumps to aim a kick against Heihachi, but Heihachi counters it on time with rising uppercut three times, making Kai vulnerable in the air. Heihachi did a hammer punch that made the spirit warrior drop his back on the ground, as Heihachi follows up a spinning demon three times and ends with an uppercut at Kai's torso.

Kai lands on the ground with his front body on the floor, Heihachi raised his right leg and spins it around to step on Kai, but he spins his blade around Heihachi's left leg as Kai pulls it, making Heihachi lose his balance.

Kai stood quickly and pulls Heihachi from the leg, dragging him on the floor and throwing him at the stage, where Heihachi gets hit from the back where Kai threw him.

Kai pulled back his blade and dashed again from an attack, Kai aimed at Heihachi for a punch while Heihachi is still vulnerable. He charged up as lightning surrounds the Mishima and aimed for a punch.

Kai and Heihachi's fist clashed and the impact of the punch gave a massive windstorm from the audience and the arena.

As the wind howls, a man with a black spiky hair and two scars from his cheeks, which is Kazuya Mishima stood from afar and waits for the result.

"Boss, your father Heihachi Mishima is fighting in this arena right now. You better see it for yourself." One of his soldiers informs.

"Hmph, a fight is about who is left standing. Not being watched for fun or gamble on who wins. Nothing else." Kazuya answers making the soldier nod.

"Should I even ask on who you are rooting for?"

"Shut up! I don't care if that damn Heihachi wins or loses this fight. You don't even understand what the Mishima's purpose is when they fight. As long as Mishimas still alive, they will fight until the very end." Kazuya said before looking at Heihachi who is still trading blows with Kai.

"That old man shouldn't be underestimated, if I was that animal."

Heihachi jumps towards Kai and kicked him in the torso twice before ending with an axe kick. The kick got grabbed by Kai as he threw Heihachi in the air and kicked him, causing him to fly.

Heihachi crashed from the cage as it slowly collapsed from the impact Kai gave his opponent.

While the cage collapsed, an old tortoise is standing as he watch the fight commence from a distant.

"You still haven't realize what it means, old friend."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Oogway." Aslan greets while walking towards him.

"Ahhh... The Great Aslan. It is an honor, to meet such greatness." Oogway greeted while bowing down to show respect.

"I am impressed that you chose such great warriors to fight for their extinction. But you know these people you chose aren't gonna fight forever."

"I know, and some people are asking why I chose some of them. As each individual warriors have something in their hearts that no other enemies could take down, even if it means the end of their own lives." Aslan explains.

"You know their lives may pass on, but on what they believe and what they are fighting for, it too shall pass by the next warriors who will fight for what they believe in." Oogway added as Aslan nods and continues watching the fight.

As the smoke clears, Heihachi and Kai started dashing against each other giving another attack.

Both Kai and Heihachi gave each other a left hook as both combatants got hit by their punches. Both struggle to push each other's faces with their fists, but Heihachi grabbed Kai's arm and gave him a headbutt, causing Kai to kneel.

Heihachi crossed his arms as he looks disappointed at his opponent.

"You're not as tough as you talk." Heihachi mocked.

Kai snorted as smoke came out of his nostrils. He pulled his blades and spins them around, aiming the blades at Heihachi.

The blades surrounded Heihachi, but Heihachi remained calm and deflected some of his attacks with his palm, but the speed overwhelmed Heihachi as he is slowly getting hit from the blades. Kai smirks and gave Heihachi a back kick, pushing him further.

"Not so tough? Old man?" Kai asked before spinning his blades again to prepare an attack.

"Well, I will show you, what it means to fight a spirit warrior!" He added before throwing both his blades.

"Come on!" Heihachi commanded while doing his fighting stance.

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