🧡Part 1🧡

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23 years ago

Sthandiwe Pov

The name Sthandiwe was given to me by my father as a sign that my mother and himself were loved to be blessed with a baby girl as they had no female children.

I had 2 older siblings but they both died. The first one was stabbed by an unkown person to death in his room in our house. The very same house that had no sign of forceful entry and he dies when we were all in the house. I was only 4 years old and he was 17 at the time.

Strange right.

My second brother died when I was 9 years old and that was 5 years after my older brother died and my second brother was also 17 years old when he died. My two brothers were five years apart and them dying at the same age is  really strange. It is said my second brother died in his sleep according to my mother because we slept normally and woke up to my mom wailing that her son was gone.

Just like that I became the only surviving child from my parents. I am currently 22 years old and I  work as a cleaner at a local backroom salon with and earn R400 per month. My father is a bus driver and my mom works as a nanny for the Zondo family. They have 3 children with their youngest being 3 years old. My dad is a proud man. My mom on the other hand I don't know she behaves her own way that I don't understand.


It is just 2 months later and my dad lost his job and now he is always home and mom works until late and he has started to drink alcohol like there is nothing left for him on this earth.

"Baba are you okay?"

I ask as soon as I get back from work and see him on the 2 seat couch.

The man gave me a look and this look is scary I must say so I run to my room for safety purposes. He is behaving in a creepy way I must say especially since I overheard them fight in their room the other night.

About an hour later I hear voices it is clear my mom is back.

"Mdunge baba wanjena yini inkinga?"
[Mdunge~ Chiliza clan name]
[Mdunge why are you like this what's the matter?]

"Inkinga MaZuma is that daughter of yours isn't she thinks there is something wrong with me."

"Ehm look forget about it my boss asked me to please sleep over and I will take Sthandiwe with me on Tuesday next week since it is Wednesday today."

"You will do no such why oh so you want to go and cheat on me while I am here in the house."

"What are you even talking about?"

I just removed my ear from the door because I couldn't stand to hear more because like I said since my father lost his job he has been acting really insecure and all. A relative moved in with us so we live with my father's younger brother his name is Muzikayise he is 27 and a really cool guy. He is a great uncle. He gets time jobs here and there so I really don't know much.


My mom has left to work and I am alone with my uncle Muzi. We are really get along. I don't even call him uncle he told me not to so I just call him Muzi for short. My dad left to go drinking and I don't even know if he is back or not and I am all alone with Muzi somewhere in the house I didn't lock my door anyway it is not like anything can happen and nothing has ever happened either way.

I was sleeping when I felt the bed dip.Could I be dreaming? What on earth is going on. I ignored it but I felt warm hands cuddling me. I open my eyes slowly to see a shock of my life I see... 

Author:It is the first part of the book I want to hear your thoughts😉😁

Who did Sthandiwe see in her bed?

See you in part 2


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