"She's my step-daughter." Alex responded.

"So I do have a grand baby. I need to be meet her." She said with excitement.

Alex certainly wasn't in agreement with Wanda meeting Joy.

"Stop right here."

Alex slowed the car down to stop in front of the house that Wanda pointed to. When she stopped in front of the house, she observed it. There were a few children playing outside the house. It was a one story, brown, brick house. Alex feels like she's seen this house before, but wasn't too sure.

Wanda opened the door and then looked at Alex. "Let ya mama hold a couple of dollars." She requested.

Alex sighed. "No."

Wanda stared at her in disbelief. "No?" She questioned. "Come on, just loan me some money. I'll pay you back as soon as I get it back." She convinced.

"And where in the world will you get it from?" Alex questioned her. "I know you're not working anywhere."

"Excuse you little girl, You better watch that tone you're using with me. I'm still your mother."

"You are not my mother!" Alex grew angry. "There are plenty of things I can say that you are and a mother is certainly not one. You've never loved me, nurtured me, certainly didn't raise me, no unconditional love, nothing a mother would do to her child. When it came to me, you always put me last. Everything before Alex, so no. I'm not giving you any money, Wanda." Alex's heart was racing because she wanted to cry, but not in front of Wanda.

Wanda opened the door and gave Alex a look. "Well, I have to you. You're welcome to stop by here if you want to find me."

Alex glanced at the shotgun house which looked pretty old. "I won't be back." Alex said to her as she got out the car.

"I love you, my sweet angel."

Alex almost bought it, but she didn't believe her. "I guess."

"I thought that would work." Wanda laughed and Alex looked at her with confusion. "See you later." She closed the door and walked to the house's front door.

"I'm so done with this." Alex said to herself as she drove away.

The first place Alex went to was the spa. She needed to relax a little. She waited in the waiting room until she heard her name.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay, Mrs. Robinson." The receptionist said and Alex looked up. First, she looked at the receptionist and then to the woman she referred to as Mrs. Robinson. It was LaTrice.

Alex didn't say a word, she just looked back down at her magazine, hopping LaTrice doesn't notice her. That plan failed once another receptionist called her name.

"Ms. Robinson? Your room is ready." She said. 

LaTrice turned and looked at her. "Well, well, well," she smirked. "Both of us here at the same time."

Alex flashed a fake smile and sat her magazine down on the table. 

"Drew must be stressing you out." She let out a chuckle. "I use to have to get away at times too, but then I got used to it. I could take him off your hands if you want me to." She smirked.

Alex shook her head. She hated seeing LaTrice's face. That woman does any and everything she can to get under her skin. It killed her that everything she saw LaTrice, she would always make comments about being the real Mrs. Robinson.

"Even if I do stoop down to that low level of giving him back to you, you wouldn't even know what to do with him. You didn't know what to do the first time, so why do you need another chance? Don't be bitter." Alex walked away and followed the receptionist to her room.

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